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with Karen Thomas

The definition of recovery is to regain health.

Autism is a biological disorder, not a mental illness. Therefore, you can recover from autism, naturally! I know because I have watched my own child transform from anxious, aggressive, and racked with debilitating symptoms to calm, easy-going, healthy and living well on his own — and I’d love to help you do the same for your own child.

Karen Thomas C.S.T, C.M.T

My passion for helping other moms to naturally recover their children came from my own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum. My holistic background and knowledge of the brain, through my Craniosacral Therapy practice, assured me that my own child could and would heal if given the right support.

While I knew I could naturally recover his autism, it quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and get the help I needed, it was up to me to pull all of the pieces together. Which is exactly what I’ve done and what I want to share with you.

Stop living in fear about your child’s future and instead start naturally helping your child to live an independent, healthy life.

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Any actions you take are done so at your own discretion. This information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness or disease. This is for informational purposes only. Please ask for a doctor’s assistance, when needed.

Quickly Reduce Your Child's Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily

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