Your Information About Heavy Metal Detoxification Can Be Found Below
But first I have a time sensitive announcement to share with you…

I’d love to extend you a special invitation.
A couple times a year, I conduct a FREE Autism Recovery workshop for moms with children on the autism spectrum… and we have one coming up! (May 2nd – May 8th, 2017)
This will be an online workshop so you can attend from your own living room! Yay!!!
During the online workshop I will walk you through the exact blueprint I used to naturally recover my son from his symptoms of autism. So whether you’ve been doing this for years or you’re brand new to the process, you’ll have the right strategy in place to achieve optimum results.
It’s all free. But you do need to claim a spot.

Now on to the benefits of knowing safe, natural options for heavy metal detoxification.
Detoxification of heavy metals is a key component in any chronic state of disease or illness. Heavy metals can hide in various tissue, bone, and bodily fluids including the cerebral spinal fluid. They aggravate every medical condition from neurological to arthritis in the smallest joints of the hand. They must not be overlooked. Proper removal of heavy metals from the system is crucial!
Natural, Safe Heavy Metal Detoxification
My top choice for heavy metal detoxification the natural way is with the product Pectaclear from Econugenics. Studies have shown it to remove over 74% of heavy metals from the body safely, without stripping the body of any precious minerals. It is important to support the liver during detoxification. Econugenics has a product called Ecodetox that supports both phase I and phase II of liver detoxification with additional herbs to support the MTHfR gene, and the adrenal glands during this process.
My autism moms mentor program offers guidelines and support to ensure safety, and the proper timeline for this process.
Pharmaceutical Method of Heavy Metal Detoxification
The pharmaceutical method for detoxification of heavy metals is done with a product called DMSA. DMSA is not commonly a safe method because it allows for re-absorption of heavy metals back into the body as they are being excreted. It also extracts the healthy, necessary minerals such as calcium and magnesium, as it pulls heavy metals from the body.
Andrew Cutler has extensive knowledge on the proper way to detoxify heavy metals with prescription DMSA , if you were to choose this route. He has a very specific schedule for the treatment protocol which also involves the use of alpha lipoic acid to naturally assist with chelation. To find multiple websites with the description of his chelation protocol go to www.curezone.org. Here you will also find additional websites to connect you to people already using Andrew Cutler’s treatment. This can be shown to your doctor and done under his supervision. Be sure that he or she is willing.