Registration is closed, however…
Thank you for your interest in the Naturally Recovering Autism Membership Program. I have limited open enrollment periods per year to focus as much time as possible on helping my existing members.
I noticed you weren’t able to join the program, but I want you to know that I still have valuable resources available to support you on your journey.
If now feels like the right time, I’d love to share them with you!
Where are you on your autism recovery journey?
Just Diagnosed or Getting Started?
Cleaning up your child’s diet is the best place to start. If you’re looking to help your child have better sleep, calmer moods, or more focus, this is where to start. Download my FREE guide, the Top 7 Foods to Eliminate From Your Child’s Diet to help quickly reduce your child’s symptoms of autism.
Ready to Learn More?
Read our blog to learn Naturally Recovering Autism’s process to helping your child recover from their symptoms of autism in a natural, holistic way. It’s important to follow a sequential order when working with autism, and I will guide you in these articles to know what you should do next.
Autism Success Stories
The Naturally Recovering Autism Membership Program
Terry talks about how the community and support through Naturally Recovering Autism helped her family.
Learn how Shannon was finally able to help her child and find the resources she needed all in one place.
Listen to how the support and direction of Naturally Recovering Autism allowed Nantie to stop the trial and error.
“We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well, and he’s even playing more with other kids his age.”
“My son no longer stims, no hand flap , his sleep and language have improved. My son at certain times experienced severe constipation and it was resolved.”
“Thanks for all your guidance and information Karen. It’s done wonders for my stress level! …and brought great peace that we are on the right path for recovery.”
“My son has shown huge progress. He went from no eye contact to always looking at us and responding if we call his name, not sleeping through the night at all to sleeping the full night, crying bloody murder 24/7 to being actually playful/content. Being more socially active etc.”
“My daughter is much more vocal, amazing eye contact, increased energy and so much more alert and social! We are seeing amazing improvements.
We are so grateful for you and your program. We are blown away daily by the amazing changes we see with our daughter everyday.”
“He was very hyper all the time, however, ever since I started him on Karen’s detox diet he has calmed down completely (12 days now).”
Get Your Free Food Guide!
Whether You’re New to The Autism Recovery Journey Or Are Looking For Different Options, The First Place To Dive In Towards Effective Autism Symptom Management Is With Your Child’s Diet.
Quickly Reduce Your Child’s Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Foods Most People Consume Daily!
The first crucial step of autism recovery is to begin restoring health to the gut and the immune system.
The health of the gut is directly linked to the health of the brain and therefore to the symptoms of autism. In fact, 80% of the immune system comes from the gut so if the gut is not healthy, then the brain can’t thrive, and the immune system is compromised. It’s a vicious cycle, but thankfully, it’s one that we can put an end to by first eliminating harmful foods.
Kickstart Recovery with Our Guide on Crucial Dietary Adjustments!
Begin your child’s recovery from autism by addressing the most influential factor: their diet. Our Top 7 Foods To Eliminate From Your Child’s Diet guide equips you with crucial information and actionable advice to reduce autism symptoms quickly.
With this guide, you’ll learn:
- Harmful Foods: Identify the foods that worsen autism symptoms and understand the science behind their impact.
- Smart Food Choices: Find out about easy dietary swaps that can significantly enhance sleep, clarity of thought, and emotional well-being.
- Practical Implementation: Get valuable tips on how to implement these dietary changes easily and effectively.
Meet Karen Thomas

My passion for helping other moms to naturally recover their children came from my own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum.
My name is Karen Thomas and I have spent over thirty years in the field of holistic health. Twenty seven of these years I have practiced Craniosacral Therapy, (balancing the bones of the head to allow the brain to function at optimum).
My holistic background and knowledge of the brain assured me that my own child could and would recover from autism if given the right support.
I knew I could naturally recover my son’s autism even though I was told it wasn’t possible. It quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and the help I needed, it was up to me.
Today I offer the resources that took me over a decade to find through a lot of trial and error, and much personal financial expense, but it was all worth it. Today my son’s symptoms are gone. He is healthy, happy, and living successfully on his own.
It gives me great pleasure to share what I have and help families all over the world. Click the option below that suits you best based on where you are on your journey.

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