Safe Steps To Detoxification
A Simplified Diet and Supplement Guide To Follow So You Can Stop Struggling With The Unpleasant Side Effects Of Harsh Detoxification Programs.

1. Diet & Picky Eating

2. Detoxification, Dosages and What To Expect

3. Supplement Guide
This is a quick guide for ease to help you order and implement my recommended supplements.
BONUS: Mindset Optimization
Mindset Optimization
Parents matter too! Fear and worry can be challenging to overcome as a parent of autism. Remember, I’ve lived it too.
We must take care of ourselves on this journey.
I am giving you this added bonus to help support you. Utilize this resource everyday for yourself, and you can teach it to your child and other family members too.
Use the Monthly Workbook & Tracking Journal provided to help you keep track of things and stay on track as you move forward in the program.
1. Diet & Picky Eating BONUS
Explaining the Gut Healing Diet
It is important to learn about the importance of healing the gut and about making some dietary changes.
If picky eating is an issue, then the work with detoxification often begins to change this. As their gut heals they will slowly begin to be willing to eat more foods. Do your best to begin transitioning away from the bad foods and including more of the good foods.
This is a process that takes time, and there’s no hurry.
Your efforts with supplements are still valuable if your child is still eating many of the “bad” foods. The diet change is a transitional process and takes time. As the gut begins to heal the picky eating gets better.
Review the PDF documents for more information.
2. Detoxification, Dosages
and What To Expect
Detoxification, Dosages and What To Expect
As your child begins to detoxify and the bad bacteria “die off” you may notice symptoms increase.
This is normal, and it is technically referred to as a “Herxheimer reaction,” but you do want to know how to support them during this process.
It means that the liver cannot keep up with filtering out the toxic waste being released by the dying pathologic organisms. This can cause headaches, fatigue and flu-like symptoms. Some people also experience either diarrhea or constipation, and physical symptoms like a rash. There may be heightened emotional outbursts or hyperactivity. Do NOT try to push them through it. When symptoms arise it is a sign too much is going on too fast so slow down or stop until symptoms subside.
Decreasing the bad foods can cause these symptoms because the candida are not being fed the sugars and processed carbohydrates that they need to thrive, so they begin to die (hence the term die-off). This is what we want but it will increase the toxic load in the body so you may see heightened behaviors or symptoms. This is why toxin binders and support supplements here are so important!
This is a process that may take time — and there’s no hurry — go at your child’s pace.
Review the PDF for more information on home environment protection. Important notes are for a proper water filter, being sure your home is mold free, and electromagnetic field protection.
Muscle Testing
Muscle testing is extremely helpful in telling you when your child’s body accepts a new food or supplement and for daily dosages, as they do change over time. If you are not comfortable with doing it then practice, practice, practice. Meanwhile, let symptoms be your guide.
When still learning muscle testing, let symptoms be your guide…but PRACTICE MUSCLE TESTING! It will prove to be very helpful for you when asking for body acceptance and for dosages daily, as they do change as we detoxify.
Review the PDF documents for more information.
3. Supplement Guide
The first few supplements are ‘support’ to assist the body with detoxification. We build on that.
Remember: Don’t ignore a slight increase in behaviors. It is a sign that too much is going on, too quickly. Back off before that behavior becomes worse. Slow is good.
Get the quick guide here for ease to help you order and implement my recommended supplements.
They are in sequential order, so do them this way, one step at a time and on your child’s timeline. It is only ONE new supplement at a time and never increase dosages or add in anything new on the same day.
- Start at the minimal dosage and wait 2-3 days before adding in anything new or increasing any dosage as you watch for symptoms.
- If symptoms arise, then reduce dosages or even stop things until symptoms subside before resuming at a lower dosage.
To begin, the following are the initial detoxification support supplements.
Implement the following over the first couple of weeks:
1. Toxin Binders
Toxin Binders help with the detoxification process to sop up excess toxins that the body cannot excrete fast enough on its own. Binders help to reduce those “flare-up” symptoms that accompany detoxification such as headaches, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and increased behavioral issues.
Order the pure body ‘regular’ zeolite (a toxin binder) here. Use code, “HEALTHY5” to receive 5% off your first order. (Note that the discount is for the first order only. If you need CBD for calming, or super green food powder for a picky eater, or the Pure Body Extra formula for heavy metal detoxification (see #7 below), then now is a good time to do so. Zeolites can be taken with or without food. Begin with one drop every two hours. As long as symptoms do not increase then after two days begin giving two drops every two hours.
An additional source of toxin binding to have on hand in case die-off symptoms arise is activated charcoal. It is to be used for up to about 4 days at a time, then take a break. Best taken away from food.
2. Macro/Mega “Spectrum” Formula Minerals
Macro/Mega minerals are different than trace minerals. Both are needed. (Trace minerals are next in line here after macro’s.)
Order the macro/mega spectrum support minerals here. I’m first suggesting the ‘sensitive formula’ for your child. See the dosage chart pdf for guidelines.
To receive your discount: after registering on their website, use code ‘naturallyrecoveringautism’ at checkout to receive 15% off all Brainchild products. Customers must register on their website before checkout for the coupon to work. The registration can be found on the top right corner of the webpage.
*Also add Vitamin D3 to your order from Brainchild Nutritionals. You can start that now, at any time. See the dosage chart pdf for guidelines.
Website For Brainchild Nutritional products in Europe.
Website For Brainchild Nutritional products in the UK.
Note that the discount Brainchild offers us on their site is not available on other sites like these, but the lower shipping for you is beneficial. Some also do not carry the sensitive formula, so in that case, begin with the spectrum support mineral formula.
If your child is still eating gluten during the transition to the better diet and they need help with digestion, you could include the Trienza enzymes in your Brainchild Nutritionals order now.
3. Quinton Trace Minerals
These minerals are good to add now since they help open up detoxification pathways and assist with normalizing the pH, among many other benefits. Trace minerals contain different elements than the macro/mega minerals.
The Quinton Isotonic minerals are for daily ongoing use. Minerals are best taken away from food but may be mixed with elixirs or herbals. One vial a day is usually sufficient. Take in morning or early part of the day since they often give energy. Begin with 1/4 vial per day and work your way up slowly to one vial a day.
Order Quinton Trace Minerals here, and use Code KTHOMAS For 10% Off. Choose either one, whichever container you prefer, glass ampules or plastic sachets. We use the “Original Quinton Isotonic” version. Best taken away from food, but can be poured into any beverage.
4. Mitochondria Support
Mitochondria give cells over 90% of their energy and support detoxification. Without proper energy cells cannot carry out their functions. Mitochondrial dysfunction create issues of fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, digestive disturbance, muscle atrophy, autism regression, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, PANS, and more.
I offer you the choice of products here based on your child’s ability to swallow pills (or if you don’t want to refrigerate), or if you prefer liquid (must be refrigerated). You will only need ONE of them. The pdf will guide you to more about mitochondria and to additional supplements in a softgel form.
As an additional option if you prefer a liquid form, then the COQ10 from Quicksilver is an excellent product. It needs to be refrigerated.
At about 2-3 weeks in (timelines vary for each individual), take a week or more to add in the next three supplements.
5. Parasite Elixir
Once the first four support supplements have been implemented for a couple of weeks, and if all is well, then add in the Parasite Elixir. This elixir is gentle. It does not kill the parasites so the issue of Lyme living in them is not a problem. This elixir makes the host body an inhospitable environment for them and they leave without dying.
Dosage: Begin with one drop a day for the first week and increase from there by one drop a day, dividing dosages between AM and PM. The maximum dosage will depend on the age of your child.
For the kids up to age 8, the best maximum dose is their age, in drops, twice a day. For teenagers, the bottle a month dose is optimal, 15 drops twice a day. For adults, working up to 2 bottles a month dose is best.
Each individual is different so watch for symptoms and slow down if they arise. Practice muscle testing to help you ask daily for dosages too. Elixirs are taken about 20 minutes away from food. See purchasing information below under Liver Elixir.
6. Liver Detoxification Elixir
Then, at about the third week (timeframes will vary) add-in the Liver Detoxification Pathways Elixir.
This elixir optimizes the function of Phase I, Phase II and Phase III detoxification pathways in the liver. It helps the liver to process and eliminate toxins from the body. What happens is that Candida toxins and other pathogen toxins damage the genes controlling production of the enzymes and toxin transport proteins in these 3 pathways. Repair of these pathways is needed so the liver can start removing toxins efficiently. This elixir tells the body to produce optimal amounts of the enzymes and transport proteins in these pathways. It also tells the body to repair the genes controlling this production. In six months the genes are usually repaired and the liver is optimally detoxing again – on its own.
Dosage: Begin with one drop a day for the first week and increase from there by one drop a day, dividing dosages between AM and PM. The maximum dosage will depend on the age of your child. Elixirs are taken about 20 minutes away from food.
For the kids up to age 8, the best maximum dose is their age, in drops, twice a day. For teenagers, the bottle a month dose is optimal, 15 drops twice a day. For adults, working up to 2 bottles a month dose is best.
Each individual is different so watch for symptoms and slow down if they arise. Practice muscle testing to help you ask daily for dosages too.
*The two elixir products, (5&6), are purchased with THIS LINK where you can also use code “ROSE15” for 15% discount off of your order.
There are a few other supplements (below) from this company that are optional but helpful.
Optional helpful elixirs for anytime, in case you want to add them to an order:
“Sattuv” Elixir – can be used at any time if speech is an issue.
“Restful Sleep” Elixir – can be used at any time if sleep is an issue.
“Stress Reducer” Elixir – is excellent for helping to calm. It can be used at any time throughout the day or night, as needed.
7. Natural Intracellular Heavy Metal Detoxification with Pure Body Extra Strength Zeolite Spray
It is crucial with heavy metal toxicity, among other toxins, to reach the inside of the cell. Many of these tiny pinpoint-sized molecules can be hard to reach with any form of detoxification that cannot reach the inside of the cell where these toxins reside. The prefix from Latin intra “on the inside, within,” and “cellular,” means just that, intra-cellular or inside the cell.
Pure Body “Extra” Zeolite is used for this. This product is from the same company we get the ‘regular’ zeolites from and they give a discount on your first order only so you may have used the code already or started using the product already too which is fine. If you haven’t used it, then get the discount by using the code “Healthy5”. (It used to be 10% off, the company has changed it to 5% off, but it still helps.):)
Dosage: Likely, begin with one spray a day for the first couple of days and watch for any symptoms, then increase sprays per day over time as testing tells you. For therapeutic dosing it is usually 2-3 sprays, 3 times per day. For some it will become higher doses of multiple sprays, 2-4 times a day, then as you get to maintenance levels it will be less. Muscle test along the way for the body’s needs.
See my interview with Eddie Stone on Toxic Heavy Metals Linked to Severe Autistic Behaviors.
Timelines vary for every child as to what pace their body can move forward and we don’t want to move forward too quickly.
Slow is good. Take your time.
What Comes Next?
Now you’re ready to proceed beyond this point to the herbals for the coinfections. We cannot offer the herbals outside of our membership program because you need Karen’s guidance for their usage. This is the same case for the further ‘fighter’ detoxification supplements, including specifics for candida. It is an act of responsibility. We’re sure you understand and we wish for the very best results for you and your child in the safest possible way.
Continue strong with the community, resources, and support that Naturally Recovering Autism can provide you.
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Naturally Recovering Autism’s mission is to provide parents of children with autism a complete roadmap of the best natural resources to bring their children to their happiest, healthiest and most fulfilling lives, so that they can reach their full potential with greater independence.
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Karen Thomas and Naturally Recovering Autism has been through the trenches with her own son on his journey to recovery from his symptoms of autism and has done the research for you to provide natural solutions. In the complete membership, Karen streamlines the entire A-Z roadmap for you so it is done in the safest, most effective way possible, and does not leave anything important out so that your child can reach their optimum potential.
Testimonials From Naturally Recovering Autism Members
She has given me both validation as a mom and practical help. She was a vessel of hope at the perfect time.
During our 8 year journey, we have applied many of the items in your protocol (enemas, diet, chelation, energetic elixirs, muscle testing which was a game changer, fungal and adrenal protocol, neurofeedback, cranial osteopathy). It’s been lots of trials and lots of errors — I’m really happy that you have a space where it is all well laid out to help mothers going forward. I feel like we could have saved years off our recovery had we had your guidance from the start, especially with the muscle testing.

Karen has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW, and more.
She was recently featured on the Donna Drake TV Show, “Live It Up” and is also an honorary member of the International Association of Top Professionals, and has been awarded as the Top Autism Specialist Of The Decade!
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Any actions you take are done so at your own discretion. This information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness or disease. This is for informational purposes only. Please ask for a doctor’s assistance, when needed.