30 Days to Naturally Recovering Autism
with Karen Thomas

Monday, January 2 – Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Designed for families who are looking to alleviate their child’s symptoms of autism in an easy-to-digest format. This everyday program helps kick-start your child’s autism recovery while providing community and support to you and your family. Throughout the 30 days, you will gain in-depth educational tools that will provide you with a better understanding of the different ways to help improve your child’s health. 

About Karen

Karen Thomas is the Founder and CEO of Naturally Recovering Autism and has become one of the most trusted mentors in natural autism recovery helping parents worldwide for over 15 years. Most importantly she is a mother of a child who has recovered from his symptoms of autism due to the research, trial, and error, and expense used to bring him back to who he really is. Awarded the Top Specialist of the Year in Autism 2020

30 Days to Empowerment

Learn how you can help your child live their happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling life!

The 30-Day Autism Recovery Kickstart program will help start your child’s journey to a healthier life with fewer symptoms of autism. Every day during the program you will receive an email that includes a video, audio, or informative resource explaining that day’s topic.

Karen will also host multiple live video calls that will allow you to go more in-depth into the topics and resources that have been provided throughout the program, during that time you will also be able to ask questions and have them answered by Karen.

You will have complete access to all the resources provided during the Kickstart program to use during and after, and if you start the 30 days after the kick-off date you will receive any content provided from the previous days.


LIVE Kickstart Meeting January 2 (Recording Available)

Join Karen & our community of solution-minded families live. If you can’t attend live, a recording will be available.


Daily Content for 30 Days

Daily emails with video, audio, or PDF content with practical steps to improve your child’s wellbeing.


On-Demand Access To Resources

Ongoing access to learn and implement on your own schedule.


Ongoing Support Options & TWO Additional LIVE Meetings With Karen To Review Materials, Measure Progress, & Help Implement Tools

Week 1:

Healing The Gut

Gain knowledge about how genetics, Candida, detoxification, and Biofilm can help relieve and impact symptoms of autism.

  • Why it’s important to heal the gut and the right diet
  • All About Candida
  • Die off and Binders, how to safely support the detoxification process
  • And more!

Week 2:

Heavy Metal Detoxification

Learn how different anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties can help to safely detoxify the body’s system of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

  • Toxic Heavy Metals Linked to Severe Autistic Behaviors
  • Additional Environmental Toxins 
  • And more!

Week 3:

Clearing Co-Infections

Gain a better understanding of how to deal with concerns like parasites, Lyme disease, allergens, and even Neurotransmitters.

  • Mold Biotoxins and Autism
  • Lyme Disease and Autism
  • Parasites (and constipation)
  • And more!

Week 4:

Brain Support & Repair

Learn about craniosacral therapy, environmental health factors, and remedies you can use at home to improve your child’s overall quality of life.

  • What is Craniosacral Therapy and how can it help
  • All About Glyphosate
  • Parenting Without Stress
  • And More!

Testimonials From Naturally Recovering Autism Members

Up to this point we have seen my daughter improve with her eye contact and she wants to repeat things she hears on tv, iPad, or with her toys, and she never use to do that!!

I have noticed he has a better appetite, than before we started the diet. We have noticed as well better speech and joining two words and sometimes 3 during nursery rhymes. Also eye contact has improved, and he smiles when I smile to him.

He has slept through the night for the past two weeks, which is the very FIRST time in his life! He used to wake up crying and wouldn’t go back to sleep for hours on end. He said his second word “HOT”, and even began gesturing me to pick him up which he has never done before. He his beginning to recognize his momma for the very first time… And his irritability and moodiness has decreased. He even plays with his 3 year old sister. My little boy is slowly but surely making progress.

He was very hyper all the time, however, ever since I started him on Karen’s candida detox diet he has calmed down completely (12 days now).

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well and he’s even playing more like neuro-typical kids his age.

I am grateful that Karen has gone before us to gain understanding. She is passionate to help families find health and healing. I found her at a time when it felt as though no one could understand what we were going through as a family. Hardship, love of our unique child, and search for hope in brokenness; are all things she could personally identify with.

She has given me both validation as a mom and practical help. She was a vessel of hope at the perfect time.

After we started your program, we have noticed that he has become so calm. It’s truly amazing when you do not have to lock up all doors. I can leave him alone in a room for 5 to 10 minutes without him destroying and breaking stuff like before. His constipation issues have reduced, he’s slowly learning his numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes etc. He’s not completely verbal but he can now answer some questions and repeat whatever you say. He has repetitive speech and even though it’s not perfectly clear, it’s progress to us.

I would like to say thank you for the help you provided to my family.  Your dedication in helping families affected by autism is admirable.  My son is one step closer to healing because of your program and resources.  You have built an amazing network of support and knowing my family is not alone in this journey helps to keep us motivated in never giving up.  

My son has shown huge progress. He went from no eye contact to always looking at us and responding if we call his name, not sleeping through the night at all to sleeping the full night, crying bloody murder 24/7 to being actually playful/content. Being more socially active etc.

The improvements are he listens to small tasks, plays with his older brother who is 3 yrs older, smiles back when we smile, eye contact has improved, he says three words now.  He isn’t having tantrums when we wash his hair or when I read to him, no more lining up of toys, he is much happier, not that much hand flapping and biting like before.

During our 8 year journey, we have applied many of the items in your protocol (enemas, diet, chelation, energetic elixirs, muscle testing which was a game changer, fungal and adrenal protocol, neurofeedback, cranial osteopathy).  It’s been lots of trials and lots of errors — I’m really happy that you have a website where it is all well laid out to help mothers going forward.  I feel like we could have saved years off our recovery had we had your website from the start, especially with the muscle testing.

More About Karen

My name is Karen Thomas and I have spent over thirty years in the field of holistic health. Twenty seven of these years I have practiced Craniosacral Therapy, (balancing the bones of the head to allow the brain to function at optimum). I am an approved education provider through the National Certification Board of Massage Therapy and Bodywork (NCBTMB), this means I am nationally certified to teach, which I love to do. I am an educator, author, speaker and a consultant…. but first and foremost, I am a mom.

My passion for helping other moms to naturally recover their children came from my own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum. My holistic background and knowledge of the brain assured me that my own child could and would recover if given the right support. I knew I could naturally recover his autism even though they told me it wasn’t possible. It quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and the help I needed, it was up to me.

Today I offer the resources that took me over a decade to find through a lot of trial and error, and much personal financial expense, but it was all worth it. Today my son’s symptoms are gone. He is healthy, happy, and living away on his own very successfully. I want that for your child too. Please utilize my website, book, and my step-by-step online program. Whichever suits you best. I built it all for you. It gives me great pleasure to share what I have and help families all over the world.

Karen has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW, and more.

She was recently featured on the Donna Drake TV Show, “Live It Up” and is also an honorary member of the International Association of Top Professionals, and has been awarded as the Top Specialist of the Year in Autism 2020.

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