You are not alone anymore!

I Can Help You Recover Your Child From Their Symptoms of Autism, Naturally, To Thrive & Reach Their Full Potential.

Awarded as Top Autism Specialist of the Decade

You are not alone anymore!

II Can Help You Recover Your Child From Their Symptoms of Autism, Naturally, To Thrive & Reach Their Full Potential.

Karen Thomas Awarded as Top Autism Specialist of the Decade

The definition of recovery is to regain health. Autism is a biological disorder, not a mental illness. Therefore, you can recover from the symptoms of autism, naturally!

I know because I have watched my own child transform from anxious, aggressive, and racked with debilitating symptoms to calm, easy-going, healthy and living well on his own — and I’d love to help you do the same for your own child.


The 4 Stages To Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism

the Gut

When the gut is injured, it allows undigested foods and toxins into the bloodstream, causing food allergies and a weakened immune system. These conditions negatively affect the brain’s ability to function properly.

Learn how to heal your child’s digestive system so they can absorb beneficial nutrients, and stop leaking harmful toxins into their body. Improve health, cognition, mood stability for a calm and happy child.

Natural Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and cadmium can destroy the neurological system, cause autoimmune illnesses, and are carcinogenic.

Learn how to remove heavy metals safely from your child’s body without causing more harm. Improve issues such as anger, anxiousness, lack of ability to focus, digestive disturbance, speech, and many more symptoms common in children with autism.

Clearing the

Mold biotoxins, Lyme disease, PANS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder), and parasites are keeping your child from getting better. These are commonly missed in testing and, if found, are treated improperly.

Learn how to get rid of the infections that can prevent recovery. And build a healthier immune system so they can stay well and not be sick all the time, and become calm and happy.

Brain Support
and Repair

Children with autism and other neurological imbalances can become calmer, happier, more focused, and retain information far better by using natural methods and supplementation to assist their brain.

Learn how to support and even repair your child’s brain so they can thrive and start living a more independent life. Help them gain the ability to focus and learn to get better grades in school, and share their gifts with the world, so they can live a more peaceful life to their full potential!

Click the button to watch my FREE WEBINAR and discover my 4-stage process, where I’ll show you how I can work with you and support you every step of the way. I will teach you what most doctors don’t even know that is absolutely necessary for your child’s optimum outcome.

This allows for…

  • better sleep
  • a stronger immune system
  • improvement in speech
  • better ability to focus
  • a reduction of sensory overload
  • a calmer, happier child

My goal is to provide you with the support and guidance you need to achieve the results you’ve been striving for to help your child thrive and reach their full potential!


live an independent, healthy, and happy life.

Discover the “how to” of all-natural autism recovery with an A-Z roadmap from a mom who has achieved it for her own son, even after being told it was not possible.

Learn from one of the most trusted mentors in natural autism recovery, helping over 25,000 parents worldwide for more than 18 years, in over 40 countries.

Parents Helped



Autism Success Stories

“We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well, and he’s even playing more with other kids his age.”

“My son no longer stims, no hand flap , his sleep and language have improved. My son at certain times experienced severe constipation and it was resolved.”

“Thanks for all your guidance and information Karen. It’s done wonders for my stress level! …and brought great peace that we are on the right path for recovery.”

“My son has shown huge progress. He went from no eye contact to always looking at us and responding if we call his name, not sleeping through the night at all to sleeping the full night, crying bloody murder 24/7 to being actually playful/content. Being more socially active etc.”

“My daughter is much more vocal, amazing eye contact, increased energy and so much more alert and social! We are seeing amazing improvements.

We are so grateful for you and your program. We are blown away daily by the amazing changes we see with our daughter everyday.”

“He was very hyper all the time, however, ever since I started him on Karen’s detox diet he has calmed down completely (12 days now).”

About Karen Thomas

Karen Thomas C.S.T, C.M.T

Karen’s passion for helping other moms to naturally recover their children came from her own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum. Karen’s holistic background and knowledge of the brain, through her 30-year Craniosacral Therapy practice, assured her that her son could and would recover if given the right support.

While Karen knew she could naturally recover her son’s symptoms of autism, it quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and get the help needed, it was up to her to pull all of the pieces together. This is exactly what she has done and what she can share with you. It has led to tremendous success with her own son and has helped thousands of parents she has mentored.

Karen has spoken for consecutive years at the Autism One conference, has been interviewed on CUTV News, and was featured on the Donna Drake TV Show, “Live It Up.” Karen is also an honorary member of the International Association of Top Professionals, and has been awarded Empowered Woman of the Year, and Top Autism Specialist of the Decade.

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Get Your Free Food Guide!

Quickly Reduce Your Child’s Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Foods Most People Consume Daily!

The first crucial step of autism recovery is to begin restoring health to the gut and the immune system.

The health of the gut is directly linked to the health of the brain and therefore to the symptoms of autism. In fact, 80% of the immune system comes from the gut so if the gut is not healthy, then the brain can’t thrive, and the immune system is compromised. It’s a vicious cycle, but thankfully, it’s one that we can put an end to by first eliminating harmful foods.

Quickly Reduce Your Child's Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily

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Top 7 food to Eliminate to Quickly Recover from the Symptoms of Autism for A Stronger Immune System, Improved Sleep, And Calmer Moods!


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