Hydrochloric Acid Needed for Protein Digestion

The production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is usually impaired in those with gut imbalance. Often we think acid reflux or GERD is due to too much acid in the stomach, but it is often a need for more.  When the body does not have enough HCL to digest, (especially proteins), the result can be that burning sensation in your chest and throat. Supplements can help.

Take one or more pills, depending on the size of the meal, just prior to eating. HCL can be very helpful while the gut is healing to assist in the digestion of proteins. I like the products Metagest by Metagenics, and  GastroDigest II by Vervita because one pill has broad spectrum enzymes, hydrochloric acid, pepsin and more. It is a small pill that can be crushed with a pill crusher and added to any food or beverage, www.vervitaproducts.com.

Join our Free Autism Recovery WorkshopThe 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.

Help your child get the optimum results in Karen’s step-by-step online program, The Autism Moms Mentor, working to improve the biological health aspects for better focus and concentration, improved sleep, calmer moods, and a lot more. Already in over 35 countries, this program offers you the natural resources I used to recover my own son. It is unique in that it walks you through not only gut healing and detoxification, but also the co-infections often left out of a recovery program. It also includes additional components such as muscle testing and emotional clearing to empower you to get the best possible outcome with support from a mom who has done it!

Do you know one other person who may have this problem? If so, please share this information and this website with them.

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