Using only organic foods will help to assure you that, in the case of a reaction, there are no complications arising from hidden pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or other additives.

In the next two blog posts we will talk about the symptoms of allergens and natural allergy desensitization. Once you have completed the sessions the process of food re-introduction back into the diet will be much easier. Dairy and gluten have been avoided up to this point because they contain large protein molecules and natural sugars that are problematic allergens. With children on the autism spectrum gluten and casein are serious issues. When testing for dairy tolerance, (lactose and/or casein), most children on the autism spectrum may need to wait one to two months before introducing it back into the diet, unless it has been cleared by a natural allergy desensitizing practitioner. Gluten may take up to three months to clear from the system if not desensitized to it. If the allergy was known to exist prior to starting the diet then always be sure to minimize its use afterward.

Only use one new food every few days so you know which food is causing a physical or emotional reaction. This causes less need for backtracking. If a food tends to cause sensitivity now wait a few weeks and try again. Always begin slowly using only a teaspoon to begin.

Join our Free Autism Recovery WorkshopThe 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.
Help your child get the optimum results in Karen’s step-by-step online program, The Autism Moms Mentor, working to improve the biological health aspects for better focus and concentration, improved sleep, calmer moods, and a lot more. Already in over 35 countries, this program offers you the natural resources I used to recover my own son. It is unique in that it walks you through not only gut healing and detoxification, but also the co-infections often left out of a recovery program. It also includes additional components such as muscle testing and emotional clearing to empower you to get the best possible outcome with support from a mom who has done it!

Please offer this information to at least one person you know who could benefit from it.

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