What's really going on-

Children with autism and other neurological disorders often have issues with anger, anxiety, depression, lack of focus, hyper focus, impulsivity, and a lot more. Symptoms give us a lot of information, and can sometimes be enough to figure out a natural healing plan. But often these symptoms crossover one another, causing us confusion about what is really going on.

The worst thing for a child with autism or other brain disorders is to be put on a medication that worsens his or her symptoms. Safely getting your child off medication that is not working is another challenge altogether.

Alternately, natural supplementation can and does often work better that most pharmaceutical drugs, and without any harmful side effects. But of course, starting with a good guess about which supplements to take saves time and keeps frustration to a minimum.

The behaviors of a child with autism vary greatly. This is why it is called a “spectrum” disorder. Brain scans offer specific knowledge about your child’s particular brain and biology. Interpretation with the assistance of a qualified practitioner helps to eliminate the guessing game and create a more individualized approach. The first method below saved our family a lot of grief and hardship, so I want to be sure that everyone knows about this option.

Neuroquant Brain Scan

A new MRI-type of software called Neuroquant precisely measures brain volume. This brain scan is capable of detecting shrinkage in specific areas of the brain. Neuroquant is most helpful in gauging changes over time.  What recent research has shown is that the brain can and does heal, once toxic exposure is eliminated and proper treatment is given. The price of the Neuroquant brain scan is $96.00, affordable for most. For more information on Neuroquant go to www.radnet.com, or call 800-975-4674.

Brain Scans

Either or both of these two brain scan methods will arm you with more information about your child’s brain. Prepare yourself with this information so that you can more intelligently treat your child’s autism behaviors.

Join our Free Autism Recovery WorkshopThe 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.

Quickly Reduce Your Child's Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily

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