Podcast interview with Isaac Eliaz, M.D., M.S., L.Ac. on Heavy Metal Detoxification
Dr. Isaac Eliaz brief biography       Â
Dr. Eliaz has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 1980’s, with a specific focus on immune health, detoxification and mind-body medicine. He also has experience creating clinical protocols that have shown success in addressing the symptoms of autism and those on the autism spectrum have. He is a respected clinician, researcher, author and educator, he has been teaching continuing education to health care providers for over 25 years. As part of his commitment to the advancement of integrative medicine, Dr. Eliaz is directly involved in ongoing research and has published a number of peer reviewed studies demonstrating the effectiveness of specific integrative therapies for immune enhancement, heavy metal toxicity and cancer prevention and treatment…more.
Listen to this informative podcast as Karen Thomas interviews Dr. Eliaz and learn how you can safely and effectively detoxify heavy metals from the body.
Join our Free Autism Recovery Workshop, The 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.
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Click here to order products from Econugenics. Products referred to in this podcast are Pectasol (for heavy metal detoxification and more), and Ecodetox (for phase I and phase II liver support, and support of the MTHFr gene).
how long do you stay on modified citrus pectin to detox mercury that settled in the colon.
How long do you take modified citrus pectin to detox mercury
Three to six months of using the modified citrus pectin at a therapeutic dose is best, then switch to a maintenance dose ongoing.
What is a therapeutic dose ? How do I know when to switch to maintenance dose and how long do I stay on maintenance dose? When I pass my bowels on my own. Karen thank you for responding. Means a lot !
As a dietary supplement for intensive support, take 3 capsules 2 times daily on an empty stomach, or as recommended by your health care practitioner. I do this for six months.
For long term maintenance, take 1 capsule 2 times daily on an empty stomach, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.
Children take half this, or as recommended by your health care practitioner. Age and weights vary.
Im going to get the powder form. How much should I take. Sorry with all the ?s Thank You đŸ™‚
Econugenics comes in power form. How much do I take. You said I need to take it for 3-6 months. How do I know to do 3months 4months 5 or 6 months. sorry !
The more time you take it, the better. It is a safe, natural product. Estimate how much is in a capsule and use that amount in powder form. You can also muscle test for dosages. See my muscle testing video at, https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/muscle-testing/
My NPD wants me to take 6 caps times 3 = 18 caps. You want me to take
3 caps time 2 = 6. Do you think 18 is a lot. Im confused.
Thank you for the muscle-testing