Children with autism have greater sensitivities to environmental toxins due to the common issue of poor detoxification and an already compromised immune system. When it comes to achieving safe water, especially for the health compromised the consumer is seriously challenged. There are more than 100 contaminants in drinking water that are too expensive to remove which is why you have to take the reins.

We’re mostly water so drinking water quality is critical. To a lesser degree, water used for bathing and showering is a source of certain contaminants that might be absorbed through the skin and inhaled. Making choices on water treatment products that eliminate most of the threat of water contamination is, UNFORTUNATELY, a hazard in itself.

The typical well-meaning consumer usually approaches me and asks “What water system should I buy for my home?” I want to drop to the floor. To me that’s like walking into a doctor’s office and just asking him, “What meds should I take?” Says internationally known water expert, Robert Slovak. FIRST we have to know something about your water’s physical chemistry.

“Water is not a bit player in the theater of life, it’s the headline act”

Prof Martin Chaplin

The current failure to curtail the Coronavirus can be attributed to mainstream medicine hiding and suppressing the idea of self-immunity enhancement – a simple and effective strategy that will work better than any they’ve implemented. This also means keeping your exposure to inflammatory and toxic compounds to a minimum.

In this podcast interview we will discuss the various contaminants to be aware of in your drinking and bathing water, along with the best purifying filter options. We will also begin our discussion on the dangers involved in chlorinated swimming pools, plus safer alternatives.


Shop the Aquatru water filtration system, and get 10% off of your order with code KTHOMAS. National Water Testing Lab

This website has all of the standards,

You can go to the Water Quality Association website,, and get your free download, “Water Treatment for Dummies”.

Podcast interview on glyphosate with Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Additional Podcast Episodes Related to water:

Robert Slovak’s Biography:    

Robert Slovak is a degreed Mechanical and Astronautical engineer, best known as the co-founder, with his brother Jack, of Water Factory Systems in the early 1970’s. He is recognized as one of the key developers of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology and its numerous applications.

After the sale of his company to a multi-national leader in water technology in 1990, Robert went on to bring his knowledge and experience to Brazil and other underdeveloped nations. During this period Robert maintained his presence in the American water industry as a consultant and regular speaker at water technology conferences.

Since 2006 Robert masterminded and promoted a new paradigm he refers to as “Water & Wellness” in which pure, contaminant-free water is combined with highly effective nutraceutical additives to support the health needs of a wide diversity of the population including prenatal, developing, aging, health-compromised and special-needs.

Quickly Reduce Your Child’s Symptoms
of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily!

The first crucial step of autism recovery is to begin restoring health to the gut and the immune system.

The health of the gut is directly linked to the health of the brain and therefore to the symptoms of autism. In fact, 80% of the immune system comes from the gut so if the gut is not healthy, then the brain can’t thrive, and the immune system is compromised. It’s a vicious cycle, but thankfully, it’s one that we can put an end to by first eliminating harmful foods.

This is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat. Every child’s level of recovery is different. No two people are the same. It is never implied that all children will have the same outcome. Results are all based on individual biology and the work that is done. This process takes time and various steps, effort and resources need to be weighed. Our programs are intended to help you become more knowledgeable and guide you to help bring your child a better quality of life, whatever that may be. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes. The results on this page and any of our websites are not typical or promised. In fact, there will be people who purchase this and other programs and never put the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore will achieve little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links below. We hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. We are cheering you on every step of the way.

Quickly Reduce Your Child's Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily

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