Karen Thomas Interviews Dr. Daniel Amen Regarding Autism

Dr. Daniel Amen is the New York Times best-selling author of several books including Healing ADD, and Change Your Brain Change Your Life. He the leading expert on SPECT imaging brain scans which offer specific information about the functioning abilities of each particular part of the brain and each specific brain scan.

Listen to this informative interview as Karen interviews Dr. Daniel Amen and learn what natural solutions are available for your child.

As an Amen brain type coach I am able to offer you a ten percent discount on consultations through the Amen clinic. Use this link and the referral code, “Karen Thomas,” to receive your 10% discount when you schedule an evaluation online or call (1-866-260-8227).

The Amen clinic also offers specific brain support supplements for individual needs. To purchase supplements or books from the Amen clinic please use this link.      AMEN BANNER

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