Balancing Blood Sugar and Gut Health: Strategies for Autism [Podcast Episode #179]
Artificial sweeteners are unhealthy alternatives. For example aspartame is an excitotoxin which means it literally can excite brain cells to death. Current evidence indicates that sucralose and saccharin could influence the gut microbiota by reducing the good bacteria...
Exploring the Vitamin D Connection To Autism, Influenza, and More [Podcast Episode #178]
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins and one that most people are deficient in. Be sure you supplement with vitamin D3, as it is the most bioabsorbable form. Many neurodevelopment conditions are associated with vitamin D deficiency such as depression, lack...
Autism Success Story: How A Grandma Transformed Her 21-Year-Old Grandson’s Life With the Naturally Recovering Autism Roadmap [Podcast #177]
Sonja is grandmother to her autistic grandson, Kyle. She is getting results now because she has been proactive and persistent to find the right program that offers a complete roadmap and the support she needs. Sonja says, "We could have recovered Kyle a long time ago...
The Dangers of Inflammation In Autism [Podcast Episode #176]
Inflammation is a crucial process for our health, but when it becomes chronic, it can lead to a host of health problems. Recent studies have suggested that inflammation may play a role in the development of autism. A study published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation...
How To Help Your Autistic Child Focus Better [Podcast Episode #175]
There are Some Common Causes Why Children With Autism Have Trouble Focusing, however, as we do this there are natural supplements that can assist. We will discuss both. Know I am here to help you on this journey. Natural Supplements to Help Focus and Behavior...
7 Vital Back to School Strategies For Parents Of Children With Autism [Podcast Episode #174]
School can be stressful for children with autism, and for their parents too. Get empowered by having the right strategies to assist with better energy, clearer thinking and ability to focus, as well as calmer behaviors and better social engagement. It's also important...
Gut Derived Opiates in Autism Helped by Probiotics [Podcast Episode #173]
Children with autism are known to have GI problems. What is not as commonly known is how much the gut directly affects the brain and behavior, and how part of that problem comes from opiates. Yes, studies show the same opiates that come from opiate-derived drugs come...
Causes and Prevention of Worsening Symptoms When Detoxing Your Child With Autism [Podcast Episode #172]
Rapid Detoxification Detoxification, even the initial phase when you’re changing the diet can cause some toxic “backlog” in your child’s body. You may notice some very heightened symptoms in this process. Rapid detoxification or die off can be too much for the body to...
Autism, Toxins and Improving Health and Behavior [Podcast Episode #171]
The All-Important Hypothalamus The hypothalamus is the part of our brain that tells our nervous system if we should feel calm or fearful. This is commonly known as the fight or flight response. The hypothalmus is often injured in children on the autism spectrum. The...
Learn Muscle Testing and How It Can Help A Parent Of A Child With Autism [Podcast Episode #170]
I know, first hand, what it's like to be a parent of a child with autism inside the whirlwind of confusion of not knowing if a food or supplement is right for your child, or how much to give to them in dosages. All people are unique too, so everyone’s needs will be...