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“Autism is a biological disorder. It is not a mental illness. Therefore, you can recover from autism, naturally! I know because I have done it with my own child.” – Karen Thomas
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Recent Blog Posts and Podcasts
7 Ways To Protect Your Health from Microplastics Now! [Podcast Episode #213]
Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s both alarming and essential to understand because we are all affected by it. This is the presence of microplastics in the human body, including in newborns’ cord blood, and the potential health implications. Microplastics are...
The Hidden Risks of Eating Soy [Podcast Episode #212]
While soy has its place in the diets of many cultures, modern soy consumption, particularly in the West, may come with a host of concerns that are worth understanding. From genetic modification to hormonal disruption, let’s dive into why eating soy might not be as...
Autism And Genetics: Can We Repair Or Influence Our Child’s Genes? [Podcast Episode #211]
People ask if genetics are the cause of autism, and if it's genetic, then it makes sense to them. They think that it couldn't be recovered from. So let's talk about genetics. What are Genes and How Can They Be Affected? First, we all have genes, but genes are...
Healthy Carbs, Candida Control, and What You Can Do To Soothe Autism Symptoms [Podcast Episode #210]
Podcast Episode #210 What is the difference between a bad carb, that feeds candida and causes blood sugar imbalance, and the healthy ones? When removing the inflammatory foods from the diet we are simultaneously taking away the sugars the candida and other pathogens...
How inflammation Impacts Autism Behaviors: Causes and Solutions [Podcast Episode #209]
[Podcast Episode #209] Recent studies from Harvard Medical School have suggested that inflammation may play a role in the development of autism. A study published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation found that children with autism had higher levels of inflammatory...
Studies Showing the Health Dangers Of Electromagnetic Field Radiation and A Simple Solution For Protection [Podcast Episode #208]
Podcast Episode #208 We live in a world filled with electromagnetic field radiation from cell phones to wifi and satellites, so how can we protect ourselves in today's world of high technology and convenience? This is what I share with you today. I'm always about...