We never know exactly what each child’s optimum outcome will be. The following are shortened versions of just some of the heartwarming testimonials I have received.  Please enjoy reading them as I do.
In vibrant health,
Up to this point we have seen my daughter improve with her eye contact and she wants to repeat things she hears on tv, iPad, or with her toys, and she never use to do that!!

I would like to say thank you for the help you provided to my family.  Your dedication in helping families affected by autism is admirable.  My son is one step closer to healing because of your program and resources.  You have built an amazing network of support and knowing my family is not alone in this journey helps to keep us motivated in never giving up.  

After joining this program last month, I eliminated most of the ‘bad’ foods and I mostly use the recommended foods….. ie.


Eye contact improved…. We can talk while he is looking at us (incredible)… he can now pose for a photo.

Speech: He is speaking so much and full of vocabulary and longer sentences …. (His speech started picking in March). However, he can’t engage in a conversation….. still a challenge!

Social skills: he is playing a lot with other kids…. He is not consistent with his play though

Toys: he can focus but he has preference of certain toys

Concentration: not much changes but there is some improvement

Picky eating: incredible improvement…..

Poop: great improvement ….. twice per day and normal

Still he has challenges in many areas……!

Will be starting elixirs in the next one week or so …. and… then move on to the next step on the program…. I am taking baby steps.

I can’t thank you enough Karen… you are an angel sent to us

After we started your program, we have noticed that he has become so calm. It’s truly amazing when you do not have to lock up all doors. I can leave him alone in a room for 5 to 10 minutes without him destroying and breaking stuff like before. His constipation issues have reduced, he’s slowly learning his numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes etc. He’s not completely verbal but he can now answer some questions and repeat whatever you say. He has repetitive speech and even though it’s not perfectly clear, it’s progress to us.

I have noticed he has a better appetite, than before we started the diet. We have noticed as well better speech and joining two words and sometimes 3 during nursery rhymes. Also eye contact has improved, and he smiles when I smile to him.

He has slept through the night for the past two weeks, which is the very FIRST time in his life! He used to wake up crying and wouldn’t go back to sleep for hours on end. He said his second word “HOT”, and even began gesturing me to pick him up which he has never done before. He his beginning to recognize his momma for the very first time… And his irritability and moodiness has decreased. He even plays with his 3 year old sister. My little boy is slowly but surely making progress.

My son has shown huge progress. He went from no eye contact to always looking at us and responding if we call his name, not sleeping through the night at all to sleeping the full night, crying bloody murder 24/7 to being actually playful/content. Being more socially active etc.

The improvements are he listens to small tasks, plays with his older brother who is 3 yrs older, smiles back when we smile, eye contact has improved, he says three words now.  He isn’t having tantrums when we wash his hair or when I read to him, no more lining up of toys, he is much happier, not that much hand flapping and biting like before.

He was very hyper all the time, however, ever since I started him on Karen’s candida detox diet he has calmed down completely (12 days now).

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well and he’s even playing more like neuro-typical kids his age.

Karen I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting us on a journey to health not just for my son alone, but the entire family. I  want to encourage parents not to give up , the program works.

My son’s immunity has improved, he no longer stims, no hand flap , his sleep and language have improved. My son at certain times experienced severe constipation and it was resolved. My friends from England came visiting with their kids and passed the night in my home, both he and the wife are doctors in the U.K. and were surprised to see the level of interaction my son has with their kids and they commented that as far as they were concerned they see nothing wrong with him, that he behaved like a normal 4yr who was just slow to speech and would outgrow or we could get a speech therapist.

My son’s progress so far:
-Awareness to surrounding and increased understanding
-reflex integration and improved muscle tone
-improve sleep and gut issues
-Anxiety issues

Thanks for all your guidance and information Karen. It’s done wonders for my stress level! …and brought great peace that we are on the right path for recovery.

I am grateful that Karen has gone before us to gain understanding. She is passionate to help families find health and healing. I found her at a time when it felt as though no one could understand what we were going through as a family. Hardship, love of our unique child, and search for hope in brokenness; are all things she could personally identify with.

She has given me both validation as a mom and practical help. She was a vessel of hope at the perfect time.

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Quickly Reduce Your Child's Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Specific Foods that Most People Consume Daily

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