Allergic Withdrawal Symptoms From Food Allergies

Using the symptoms of a food can be a lot less expensive than tests and doctors visits. Our children typically eat from about twelve foods. Eliminate one by one, except for gluten and casein. In their case I would recommend eliminating both from the beginning since they are known to be such a big problem for children with autism, and those with ADD/ADHD and asthma.

Allergic foods cause withdrawal symptoms that the food is creating. When the body has an allergic reaction or intolerance to a food the system will often, oddly enough, crave that food. Withdrawal symptoms similar to those one would experience if they went off of caffeine or sugar may occur for the child. Gluten, the protein in wheat, and casein, the protein in milk create opiates in the system. Opiates can cause a child to crave these allergic foods just as a drug addict would crave a drug. This is also responsible for that glazed over look in their eyes.

Once we heal the gut lining, strengthen the good bacteria in the digestive tract, and naturally desensitize the system to the allergens we are usually able to eat the problem foods once again without any trouble.

Join our Free Autism Recovery WorkshopThe 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.

Help your child get the optimum results in Karen’s step-by-step online program, The Autism Moms Mentor, working to improve the biological health aspects for better focus and concentration, improved sleep, calmer moods, and a lot more. Already in over 35 countries, this program offers you the natural resources I used to recover my own son. It is unique in that it walks you through not only gut healing and detoxification, but also the co-infections often left out of a recovery program. It also includes additional components such as muscle testing and emotional clearing to empower you to get the best possible outcome with support from a mom who has done it!

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