People ask if genetics are the cause of autism, and if it’s genetic, then it makes sense to them. They think that it couldn’t be recovered from. So let’s talk about genetics.
What are Genes and How Can They Be Affected?
First, we all have genes, but genes are simply a blueprint. We’re basically born with it just like an architectural blueprint. This blueprint is actually given to us at conception before we were ever born.
So then this blueprint is affected by different things such as environmental toxins outside that mom is being exposed to while she’s pregnant. There are toxins in the air that she’s breathing, the food that she’s eating, the water, she’s drinking plastics in the air, and then there are pathogens.
There’s candida which can get overgrown. It’s a type of yeast bacteria. There is Lyme disease, parasites, and mold biotoxins. We can have exposure to all of this just from what mom is being exposed to or was exposed to even prior to our conception that’s in her body. These things damage the DNA (genes).
And what dad was exposed to that was in his sperm at conception as well. Studies are showing that the sperm can actually be already affected with toxins, and when we are conceived, this is allowing the mutation of some genes right from conception.
So this blueprint, this genetic blueprint that we have, is affected right from the moment of conception from what mom and dad have going on then from what is in the mom’s body while you’re in the womb, while the fetus is growing, those genes are being mutated.
Then after the child is born, then there are other external toxins. There are things that are also given in the breast milk from the mom transferred. There are things that are in the child’s air in the household that are chemicals in the water, in the food, the things that are surrounding us.
Then there are other factors such as vaccinations that carry live viruses and many toxins known to damage neurology. These things can cause further health issues to develop in us and our children that can also continue to mutate the genes.
So is seeing how our genetic blueprint can be affected beginning to make sense to you? This is common and easier to see when you notice that the same set of parents who have more than one child may have one with autism and the other does not. So why is that? Right? If it was genetic, they’d all have autism.
If it was fully genetic only there would be many more people back in the 1950’s who had it. Back in the 1950s, 1 in 10,000 were diagnosed with autism. Today, it is 1 in 30. This is the difference between then and now. And let’s be clear, this is NOT due to better diagnostics today. 1 in 30 people could never have been missed back then and all these years, especially in schools.
The toxic exposure that we have in our environment today is 10,000 fold and because we are living in such a toxic world that our bodies cannot combat all the damage all the time.
So back to just clarifying that these genes, this blueprint that we are given at conception, prior to birth, began being affected during development and then further after being born. Babies are born today with over 200 chemicals found in the cord blood. That is an astonishing fact!
This toxic exposure, pathogens and infections are causing the genes in our body to mutate.
Let’s talk about Epigenetics-
Epigenetics is the science of how genetics can be changed by our environment, whether it be from toxins, pathogens, physical or emotional trauma. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and world-renowned expert of epigenetics tells us that only 1% of disease is caused by genetics. Ninety-nine percent is due to environmental factors.
I have interviewed Dr. Lipton in my podcast episode #122. Dr. Lipton has clarified how these genes are affected, but then we ask, what happens when we have these genes that are now defective and they’re not working properly? We end up with issues such as autism.
Now the question arises, can autism be recovered from if these genes have been damaged? Is there a way to repair them? I’m here to tell you, yes, there is. In epigenetics we know that genes can be damaged but they can also be.
Diet and Detoxification
We need to clear the toxic exposure from our bodies. We need a full detoxification done properly and safely. We need to get the right nutrition, and the right diet. This means also removing the damaging toxins from our homes and reducing our exposure to a minimum, and removing harmful foods is an important part of this.
Many people don’t realize how much diet affects their life, overall longevity and the ability for our genes to stay healthy in our blood, tissues, brain, heart and all of our organs. The liver, your organ of detoxification, and your kidneys that help filter toxins are congested in babies at birth and in most adults today. Toxins are wreaking havoc on our immune system and hormonal system. Autoimmune issues are rampant today as are hormonal issues for people.
All of these things are dependent on our nutritional intake, as well as toxic exposure. The bad foods are the first thing to eliminate. Get my free food guide now to know the top 7 foods to eliminate from your diet. The direct link to the guide is You can also click on the image below.
And that is just the beginning, but a good diet is crucial so stop eating that foods that are damaging your genes and your child’s genes and overall health by creating inflammation, damaging the gut lining, adding toxins, and weakening the immune system.
You need nutrition from good foods. Make sure you’re getting plenty of cruciferous vegetables, organic poultry, grass fed beef line caught fish. You want organic and healthy food. You don’t want to be eating commercial, pesticide ridden products with hormones and antibiotics added to them. You don’t want to be eating bad fats. They actually deplete our system, plus our brain is 60% fat. So we have to be able to give it the good stuff without the bad.
You want good healthy fats only like organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, and coconut oil. This is all very important, a whole nutritional overtake. We need to make sure we understand the importance of it and don’t take it so lightly because it’s very, very important. It is real. There are many, many studies now available to prove this.
People sometimes say, oh, it doesn’t matter that much. It really does. Then there’s the toxic exposure, detoxing naturally and safely like I do in my program, not with drugs. I can help you detoxify your child naturally and safely, not with dangerous drugs.
Your child doesn’t need dangerous drugs that have side effects or work short term for whatever they’re doing, but don’t help long-term like some of the things that people are using for helping to clear some of the pathogens in their body and other drugs. Those are short-term. You need something that’s going to be long-term.
Resources I Offer To Help You
I have many free resources on my website and I can teach this to you step-by-step in my membership program if that is something that you are wanting more help with.
I’m tired of watching everybody get led astray down the wrong path and not get the right resources they need, so I have developed my program and if you’re interested in it, then you can watch my free webinar where I walk you through the 4 stage process I help families with every day in my membership program. You can also click on the image below to watch now.
It is important that you understand the necessity of doing things naturally and safely, properly and thoroughly because you don’t want to be piece-mealing together little bits and pieces and jumping around, and you don’t want to be doing this inconsistently. You need to be consistent with the RIGHT resources and the right roadmap.
When you begin to detoxify yourself and your child you will likely have die off reactions where the body is trying to eliminate the toxins faster than your body can keep up with, especially extremely toxic children with autism, so there is a process to doing this and it should be done slowly with a lot of support for the body as you do it.
Properly detoxifying can take up to a year, two years, three years, four years, we say up to four years for optimum results with autism, and with the RIGHT roadmap that has support in place.
But isn’t it worth it? I mean, those four years are going to go by anyway. So why are you spending so much time and money on things that don’t work because you don’t know what else to do?
This is not your fault. I know there’s a lot of blame that parents of children with autism get, but I’m clearly here to tell you it is not your fault. It is simply that you’ve had the lack of the right resources in the past.
What Do We Mean When We Say Autism is Biological?
The definition of recovery is ‘to regain health’ and knowing that autism is not a mental illness. It is biological. But what do I mean by biological?
Biological means that these genes and our tissues and our blood and our organs…our whole being is so affected by toxins in our environment today and by bad foods and toxins in our air and our water that are not being cleared out properly and pathogens that we have exposure to, and infections we, and our kids carry that all inflame the brain and damage genes.
All of these things can be worked with safely and naturally…And then back to epigenetics. The genes can start repairing themselves. Our bodies are magnificent. And if given the right nutrition and the right resources and the bad things aren’t coming in like they were before, or we have a way to combat them, then our body gets the chance to take care of itself and heal itself as it was born to be able to do.
And that is what I’m here to share with you is that your child’s body can get better naturally and safely and those genes can begin repairing themselves. When you do things properly and thoroughly then you can know what your child’s true outcome can be because it’s been done correctly, and you’ve got to be consistent.
It’s got to be A to Z, and it has to be the right roadmap. And that’s what I can share with you. Know what your child’s body can be capable of.
I’ve had parents who told me that they were told by ‘experts’ that their child would never speak, and today through what I taught them in my program their child is speaking, and other parents who began implementing the steps I shared- one whose son was 27 years old and non-verbal- within months he began speaking for the first time, so we keep going.
This isn’t just for young children, it’s any age. People whose kids couldn’t focus in school and now they’re on the honor roll. I mean, these things are happening day in and day out with kids of the parents following these steps.
I’ve shared with many who have told me that they were working with functional doctors for years prior to my program with no results. It’s because whoever was leading them didn’t know how to do what is needed for autism, and was not thorough enough too.
This takes a complete A-Z roadmap and it takes time. There is no overnight fix. I’m very clear about that, but when the right nutritional resources, the right detoxification, done the right way you get the best results.
It’s crucial to clear ALL pathogens and infections that are causing the inflammation on the brain and the internal organs, and disrupting the immune system. They also need to be worked with the right way, and thoroughly with the right natural resources for safety and effectiveness, then we know what the real results for your child can be.
I want you to get the results for your child that you deserve to get because you’re working so hard but not seeing results you hoped for YET, and you’ve been spending so much money and losing precious time with your child as they keep getting older and older.
I’m thankful that you haven’t given up. The fact that you’re reading to this right now proves that. You are a committed parent who is committed to your child’s best possible outcome so they can live life to their full potential and be so much happier and healthier than they are now.
My whole purpose in being here for you now has come from my own son’s recovery from autism that I was able to find because I stopped with the doctors that weren’t working and the fortune I was spending on them and I did my own research. It took me 10 years to figure it out, but today, my son’s symptoms are gone.
The Definition of Recovery is ‘To Regain Health’
My own son’s symptoms actually went away, and I have helped other people have their children’s diagnosis removed. It may not happen for your child that they get their autism diagnosis removed, and that is totally okay. It’s not the real goal here.
The real goal is to help them get to their full potential, and we want to know what that is for your child. Is it improved speech, improved focus and learning, to be able to be happy and calm, and to be able to be independent someday?
Every child is unique in their needs so I encourage you to keep going and help them live a life where they are able to share their gifts with the world because we know how brilliant they are. This is what I wanted for my own son. I was able to achieve it. And now I take my 18 years of autism research and my 35 years as a craniosacral therapist studying the brain, and I wrap it all up to share it with you.
I hope this is helpful for you. We have all the resources for you that you need to gain all of this information that I’ve shared with you and to get you the best results for your child.
I want to thank you so much for what you’re doing for your child and for being here. And if it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t even have a chance. You are your child’s hero and you are absolutely 100% the key to your child’s success.
It is up to you, is up to us as their parents to do what we need to do and to be able to have that most direct path so that no time is wasted in your child’s life like I had had to go through for 10 years with my own son as well, to figure it out, and to save all that money that you would be spending trying to figure it out on your own jumping around the internet trying supplements you don’t know how to use, or going from doctor to doctor or multiple therapists when your child’s brain is so inflamed they can’t even do what they’re asked even if they want to!
I’m here to support you on this journey as someone who has personally lived through it myself. I understand! Again, thank you so much for everything you’ve been doing for your child, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Please take a moment to share this with at least one friend in need. With 1 in 30 kids being diagnosed today there are many who need the right resources and support on this journey.
Thank You!
Get Your Free Food Guide!
Quickly Reduce Your Child’s Symptoms of Autism by Eliminating 7 Foods Most People Consume Daily!
The first crucial step of autism recovery is to begin restoring health to the gut and the immune system.
The health of the gut is directly linked to the health of the brain and therefore to the symptoms of autism. In fact, 80% of the immune system comes from the gut so if the gut is not healthy, then the brain can’t thrive, and the immune system is compromised. It’s a vicious cycle, but thankfully, it’s one that we can put an end to by first eliminating harmful foods.
- Harmful Foods: Identify the foods that worsen autism symptoms and understand the science behind their impact.
- Smart Food Choices: Learn about easy dietary swaps that can significantly enhance sleep, clarity of thought, and emotional well-being.
- Practical Implementation: Get valuable tips on how to implement these dietary changes easily and effectively.
This is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat. Every child’s level of recovery is different. No two people are the same. It is never implied that all children will have the same outcome. Results are all based on individual biology and the work that is done. This process takes time and various steps, effort and resources need to be weighed. Our programs are intended to help you become more knowledgeable and guide you to help bring your child a better quality of life, whatever that may be. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes. The results on this page and any of our websites are not typical or promised. In fact, there will be people who purchase this and other programs and never put the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore will achieve little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links below. We hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. We are cheering you on every step of the way.