Children with autism have poor absorption of nutrients from the foods they eat because they have weakened digestion due to an unhealthy gut. So, what is a good solution to supplementation while they are in the process of recovering? Nutritional supplementation is simplified with high quality, easy to use liquids absorbed in the mouth.

Please watch this extremely important interview with Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific, as we dive deep into some of the most valuable supplementation offered and their state of the art technology known for assisting the needs for recovery of children on the autism spectrum.

The company Quicksilver Scientific has a  unique supplement delivery systems which enables to body to optimally utilize its health benefits. Quicksilver offers a variety of supplements for varying individual needs.  Among those included are Colorado Hemp Oil which is helpful in calming anxious feelings. There are multiple choices available to assist with detoxification such as glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, and vitamin C, along with others that help promote positive energy, and much more. 

About Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD 

Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific is recognized globally for his vast depth and breadth of knowledge, passion for healing, and intuitive understanding of chemistry and biology.  Dr. Shade is a recognized expert on mercury and liposomal delivery systems. He has lectured and trained doctors in the U.S. and internationally on the subject of mercury, heavy metals, and the human detoxification system. 

Dr. Shade’s current focus is on the development of cutting-edge, lipid-based delivery systems for nutraceuticals, such as liposomes and micro-emulsion systems, to address the growing need of high quality, affordable detoxification solutions.

Free Online Autism Recovery Workshop

Join our Free Autism Recovery Workshop, The 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.  Reserve your online seat here.

Find Quicksilver Products HERE

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Book: Naturally Recovering Autism: The Complete Step-By-Step Resource Handbook for Parents, by Karen Thomas

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