Food sensitivities are extremely common in children with autism. Symptoms range from stomach pain and eczema, to aggression and everything in between. In this radio show interview with Dr. Kendra Becker we dive deep into the most common food triggers, their symptoms, and how you can avoid them.

Issues arise when certain foods are eaten like phenols, fiber, gluten, casein, soy, GMO’s and so much more. Please listen to my live radio show interview with Dr. Kendra Becker. 

Dr. Kendra Becker’s bio

Dr. Kendra Becker is an integrated physician practicing in for over 10 years; She is Connecticut’s “4A Specialist” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). She holds an ND degree and MS, APRN . She is board certified in both areas. Her specialties include MTHFR, fertility and treatment of “the 4As” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). Dr. Becker focuses on primarily treating the pediatric population and their parents. Dr. Becker is adjunct Faculty at 2 prominent universities, where she teaches to physicians and precepts student Doctors and Nurse Practitioners. Dr Becker lectures all over the country on topics such as autism, the immune system, MTHFR & genetic mutations that have health implications and “Keeping Healing in the Home” Dr Becker is the author of “A Delicious Way to Heal the Gut” and released her second book “All you CAN Eat” in May 2018.  Dr Becker was chosen as one of Connecticut’s “Top Naturopathic Doctors”and 10BEST APRNs

Free Autism Recovery Workshop

Join my Free Autism Recovery WorkshopThe 4 Stages to Naturally Recover from the Symptoms of Autism. Stage 1: Healing the gut, Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification, Stage 3: Clearing the Co-infections, Stage 4: Brain support and repair.

Further SNP and related resources

Please listen to my very informative interview on SNP’s with specialist, Dr. Kendra Becker-Musante. It is radio show #32.

Dr. Kendra Becker-Musante’s website can be found at,

Karen’s muscle testing video to learn body acceptance and dosages.

Interview with Dr. Richard Deth on Methylation (podcast)

The Methylation Cycle (blog post and link to interview with Dr. Bob Miller)

Interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff on Sulfation

Interview with Barbara Tritz on Myofunctional Disorders (regarding tongue tie)

Genetic testing with “MTHFR doctor”  and upload the results to the “Strategene” software.

Learn more about The Link Between the Gut Microbiome and Autism and quality probiotics HERE.

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