Children’s Health Defense released an article on the surge of autism showing that the newly updated diagnosis rate for children with autism is now 1 in 30!

According to a JAMA Pediatrics research letter published this month by a team of researchers in China, 1 in 30 — 3.49% — of children and adolescents ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020. The letter also referenced a new study showing a 53% increase in ASD in American young people since 2017.

What is behind the current surge? Sadly, the CDC and other institutions in the medical community have not allocated sufficient resources to investigate, so risk factors have not been adequately considered.

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, a senior research scientist at MIT, attributes risk factors beyond genetics to the development of the condition.

Seneff — who for decades has investigated possible causes for the high rates of ASD in American children — said exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller that is also present in many foods, is a probable risk factor.

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Seneff on Glyphosate, podcast episode #10, here!

Nonetheless, the CDC’s research through the ADDM Network does not investigate what external factors might impact the prevalence of autism diagnoses.

The CDC offers a lackluster ‘explanation’ for this uptick, using the term ‘new neurodiversity’ as a way to essentially say that people are simply ‘different’ now. I believe that this type of language and reasoning is not only harmful for the children, but also unsupportive of the families who care for them. Downplaying the challenges that these individuals and their families endure is misleading.

Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor and doctor of internal medicine at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, told FOX News he believes the rise in autism diagnoses is largely a function of more parents being on the lookout for signs of ASD in their children.

Siegel said: “Raising awareness is a big, big part of it, but there’s also ‘probably’ something that women are exposed to in the womb that we don’t yet know about that could be causing it.”

So, what Causes the Symptoms of Autism?

The truth is that autism can be a symptom, not a diagnosis. It can be a symptom of something underlying such as toxins, pathogens, infections, a compromised immune system, and inflammation in the brain. Many things cause the symptoms of autism.—it’s not just one thing.

This information may be completely contradictory to what some experts in the field, as well as your peers, such as friends and relatives have told you before. Have you ever heard that “recovery isn’t possible?” I like to say, “Tell that to my son.”

When my son was diagnosed with autism, experts said there was nothing more that could be done for him outside of drugs and behavioral therapies and that I would be ‘managing’ his symptoms the rest of his life. Fortunately, my background as a Craniosacral Therapist gave me the knowledge that the brain can and does heal, but I didn’t know that much about autism 16 years ago. So, I began my own research, implemented what I learned, and today my son is no longer diagnosable with autism.

It’s not a fluke either—I wanted to share what I had learned with others, so I wrote my book, Naturally Recovering Autism. The response was incredibly positive but parents were still overwhelmed and asked me to create a program where I could walk them through these steps, so I did.

This has now been available for almost seven years with phenomenal success!

Many kids will keep their diagnosis, and that’s fine. What they can get is an improvement in their quality of life. Parents are reporting that their child, who they were told would NEVER speak, is now speaking in full and complete sentences. Those children who were getting D’s and F’s in school are now getting A’s and B’s… and those who were screaming in tantrums are now “calm and relaxed!”

Success like this is due to working with these underlying toxins and coinfections, naturally.

Environmental toxins, coinfections, and pathogens all affect our internal systems. They tear the gut up, allowing undigested foods and their toxic impact to leak into the bloodstream which causes food allergies and inflammation. Inflammation in the gut means inflammation on the brain preventing it from functioning properly. All of these pathogens, toxins and infections also weaken the immune system, disrupt brain chemistry, and the entire neurological system—side effects which lead to the cause of the symptoms associated with what the Diagnostic Statistical Menu of Mental Disorders (DSM) uses to diagnose autism.

Read the comparison here from podcast episode #134!

Kim Rossi, managing editor of Age of Autism, found Siegel’s reasons unconvincing.

Age of Autism is a non-profit that gives “voice to those who believe autism is an environmentally induced illness, that it is treatable and that children can recover. ”Rossi, a mother of three adult children with autism, said in a July 12 post that Siegel “tap danced” on the new autism numbers and failed to provide any substantial answers about what parents need to know regarding the surge in ASD diagnoses reported by the study. Rossi noted, “When ASD is no longer considered a medical condition, everyone is “off the hook” for identifying and mitigating the possible environmental risk factors.”

This is where diligent parents remain the key to their child’s success.

It’s never too late to help a child in need of an improved quality of life. Now more than ever, it’s so important to take your child’s health into your own hands. Please utilize the resources on my website and share them with others in need. Natural solutions are available for you there at

Read what other parents have to share about their success with their own children here.

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your child’s worst symptom of autism.
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