Podcast Episode #206
Have you ever been told that your child cannot recover from autism? Yeah, me too. Yet today, my son is no longer diagnosable with the symptoms of autism he once had.
Sometimes, instead of getting excited when they hear this, a parent will get defensive, as though someone is trying to change ‘who’ their child is. Autism is not a ‘who’. It’s a ‘what’.
The correct term is “Autism Spectrum Disorder” (ASD). It refers to a range of neurodevelopmental conditions collectively characterized by similar traits, like challenges with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
Autism is defined as the autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, because the symptoms range in severity.
If you are new to all of this or reading about autism for a friend or loved one, let’s begin with the basics. Generally, the symptoms of autism refer to a difficulty processing emotions and a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli.
No two people with autism have the same exact symptoms. It’s an extended spectrum with one end being those who are higher functioning and the other being very low functioning. The meaning behind “functioning” depends on their ability to navigate life.
Some symptoms simply make life more challenging.
You may have also heard the term “Aspergers Syndrome.” This term was first described in 1944 by Austrian physician Hans Asperger. In 2013, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) removed the term Aspergers and placed this diagnosis under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders.
Individuals who are higher functioning may be able to go to school, talk to others, tolerate their sensory processing issues more easily than those who are lower functioning. However, life is still much more complicated for them than for someone who is neurotypical. They are usually unable to understand common social cues and struggle with communication.
People who have higher-functioning autism may not even be known to others as someone on the spectrum. Most people are not educated in recognizing these signs. Higher functioning individuals may have more difficulties than lower functioning autistics because they are not readily known to have their challenges. They often get less help than lower-functioning individuals with autism because their needs can often be missed by teachers and peers. They can even go undiagnosed for years or an entire lifetime.
Individuals who are low functioning with autism have many more challenges. Some common symptoms, but not all, may be very little or no speech, inability to focus, anxiety, aggression, poor sleep, poor immunity, inability to dress or care for themselves, and may remain in diapers into adulthood.
Isolation is common for those on the autism spectrum because socialization becomes so difficult at times that they tend to either choose to avoid people or they are not befriended by others due to social awkwardness. They are just thought to be different but not known to have actual disabilities that prevent them from comfortably connecting with others and doing the day-to-day tasks that neurotypical people take for granted.
Autism can make it difficult to understand others’ actions or intentions and how to reciprocate in a common social fashion. They may internalize their anxiety or lack of ability to focus, so to others, they just seem lazy, defiant, or unsocial. They are commonly seen as loners, even though they are often desperate to make friends and have social interaction.
DSM stands for “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” which is a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The manual includes classifications of psychiatric disorders for use by medical and mental health professionals. Clinicians may refer to versions of the DSM to look for diagnostic codes of different disorders and examine criteria for diagnosis. About 25% of the disorders are specific to children and are in the section of “Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence.” Autism and related disorders have been specifically included in different versions of the DSM since 1980.
The latest edition of the DSM, DSM-5, made significant changes to the diagnostic criteria for autism and related disorders. In DSM-IV, five separate diagnoses were classified under the heading “Pervasive Developmental Disorders:” Autistic disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Rett Syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. The Pervasive Development Disorder category no longer appears in DSM-5, and Autistic disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD-NOS have now been combined into one label: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The criteria in the DSM-5 for diagnosing ASD include 3 listed deficits in social communication and social interactions. Clinicians must be sure that these characteristics are not due to developmental delay alone.
To be diagnosed with ASD, an individual must meet all three of the following criteria:
- Difficulties in social emotional reciprocity, including trouble with social approach, back and forth conversation, sharing interests with others, and expressing/understanding emotions.
- Difficulties in nonverbal communication used for social interaction including abnormal eye-contact and body language and difficulty with understanding the use of nonverbal communication like facial expressions or gestures for communication.
- Deficits in developing and maintaining relationships with other people (other than with caregivers), including lack of interest in others, difficulties responding to different social contexts, and difficulties in sharing imaginative play with others.
The criteria in the DSM-5 also include demonstrating at least 2 of the following 4 restricted and repetitive behavior, interests, or activities:
- Stereotyped speech, repetitive motor movements, echolalia (repeating words or phrases, sometimes from television shows or from other people), and repetitive use of objects or abnormal phrases.
- Rigid adherence to routines, ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behaviors, and extreme resistance to change (such as insistence on taking the same route to school, eating the same food because of color or texture, repeating the same questions); the individual may become greatly distressed at small changes in these routines.
- Highly restricted interests with abnormal intensity or focus, such as a strong attachment to unusual objects or obsessions with certain interests, such as train schedules.
- Increased or decreased reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment, such as not reacting to pain, strong dislike to specific sounds, excessive touching or smelling objects, or fascination with spinning objects.
Under DSM-5, ASD is now diagnosed by symptoms based on both the current functioning and past functioning of an individual. This new observational criteria will allow clinicians to diagnose people who may have shown some signs early in development, but whose symptoms didn’t become clear until adolescence or adulthood.
In addition to the changes in criteria for the ASD diagnosis, the new DSM-5 has also added a severity rating. The new DSM offers ways to identify ASD levels of severity for each individual.
The 3 levels of severity include:
- Level 1. “REQUIRING SUPPORT”: Individuals with this level of severity have difficulty initiating social interactions, may exhibit unusual or unsuccessful responses to social advances made by others, and may seem to have decreased interest in social interactions. Additionally, repetitive behaviors may interfere with daily functioning. These individuals may have some difficulty redirecting from their fixed interests.
- Level 2. “REQUIRING SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT”: Individuals with this level of severity exhibit marked delays in verbal and non-verbal communication. Individuals have limited interest or ability to initiate social interactions and have difficulty forming social relationships with others, even with support in place. These individuals’ restricted interests and repetitive behaviors are obvious to the casual observer and can interfere with functioning in a variety of contexts. High levels of distress or frustration may occur when interests and/or behaviors are interrupted.
- Level 3. “REQUIRING VERY SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT”: This level of severity causes individuals with ASD severe impairment in daily functioning. These individuals have very limited initiation of social interaction and minimal response to social overtures by others and may be extremely limited in verbal communication abilities. Preoccupations, fixed rituals, and/or repetitive behaviors greatly interfere with daily functioning and make it difficult to cope with change. It is very difficult to redirect this person from fixated interests.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Do you ever wonder why some parents are able to recover their children from the symptoms of autism while others are struggling with constant illnesses and behaviors that don’t ever seem to improve?
If you’re a parent of a child newly diagnosed with autism, but you aren’t finding the answers you need, or you’re a parent of a child with autism who has been searching for years to find the right solutions to help your child but you are not getting the positive results you hoped for, stay with me because you’re going to discover why persistent parents like you and me can get our children better faster, safer, and with the least amount of expense and why it’s critical that you get all of the right resources in place right now.
My goal is simple: to help you more easily bring your child to the healthiest outcome possible. Whether you’re new to the autism journey or have been on it for years, this episode can help you.
The more you can truly understand and narrow down what you need to do and how to do it, the greater opportunity you’ll have to experience your child living a better quality of life.
First, you’ve got to believe that your child can get better, ANY amount of better.
You may not have seen this before, so keep an open mind as we move forward. That’s all I ask, for your child’s sake.
The questions arise, “What causes the symptoms of autism?” “Is it autism or is there something underlying that is causing symptoms in a child that are mimicking those of autism?”
This may seem like an odd thing to say but there is a lot of truth behind it. Autism can be a symptom, not a diagnosis. It can be a symptom of something underlying such as toxins, pathogens, infections, a compromised immune system, and inflammation in the brain. Many things cause the symptoms of autism. It’s not just one thing.
This information may be completely contradictory to what “experts”, and non-experts, such as friends and relatives have told you before. Have you ever heard that …recovery isn’t possible? I like to say, “Tell that to my son.”
When my own son was diagnosed with autism I was told to drug him and try behavioral therapies but that there was nothing we could do for him otherwise, except manage his symptoms. Knowing life would be difficult for him (and the rest of our family) living with the symptoms of oppositional defiance disorder, OCD, sensory issues that made it difficult to sit in a classroom, constantly getting in trouble, an inability to focus and concentrate when he is brilliant, have difficulty sleeping, connecting with others, making friends, digestive disorders, and debilitating headaches and stomach aches that would wake him up at 3AM screaming, so I began my own research to help him feel better, but I got a lot more!
It took me a decade to figure it out, but today my son is no longer diagnosable with autism. He lives a happy, healthy, independent life free of his once debilitating symptoms. Now I can share what I’ve learned with you as I have for over 25,000 parents worldwide who wish to help their children live to their highest potential.
Now, let’s look at some symptoms of toxins, pathogens, and co-infections. Many mimic the symptoms of autism.
Parents ask all the time, Karen, why does my child do this (symptom)?
The answer varies because any symptom is created by the cause or causes and its effect on the brain. There can be multiple causes and symptoms depending on where the body and the brain are affected by that toxin or organism and the inflammation they are creating.
Yeast or candida is a living organism that can attach itself to the wall of the intestines, creating holes that allow undigested foods and other toxins to enter the bloodstream. This is known as “leaky gut.”
If any food gets into the bloodstream intact, it can be very toxic to the entire system, especially the brain. This lowers resistance to infections and leaves us vulnerable to greater susceptibility of food intolerance and allergies. This is something we see commonly in children with autism.
Immune reactions of this sort cause the body to continually fight for health. When the immune system is constantly in the “on” position, it can become depleted, leaving us even more vulnerable to infectious diseases and autoimmune illnesses. It also depletes the body’s levels of the brain messenger serotonin, which contributes to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.
Symptoms can include, but are in no way limited to:
- hyperactivity,
- an inability to handle emotions,
- aggressive behavior,
- brain fog,
- poor vision,
- missed sleep,
- constipation,
- diarrhea,
- rashes,
- OCD,
- memory loss,
- poor coordination,
- and extreme fatigue.
Lead is a heavy metal most commonly found in buildings built in or prior to the 1960s, although lead-based paint was not banned until 1978. It is found both in lead-based paint and the dust in these buildings. Exposure is highest for those who have lived in or visited older structures that have not been properly cleaned up. This includes schools of all kinds that our children spend countless hours in. Breathing in the dust or getting it on hands that end up in the mouth, even in minute amounts, can cause lead poisoning. It can also enter the body through a cut in the skin, and a piece of lead as small as a grain of salt can poison you.
Lead poisoning can come from:
- The dust from old lead-based paints
- Soil
- Lead plumbing fixtures
- Newsprint
- Ceramic glaze
- Cosmetics
- Imported toys, such as those from China
- Jewelry
Lead can cross the placenta, which means pregnant women who are exposed to lead also expose their unborn child. Lead can damage a developing baby’s nervous system.
The Mayo Clinic states that children under the age of six are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning. Lead crosses the blood-brain barrier and even in small amounts severely affects the brain, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and the reproductive system. Lead easily passes through the placenta from mother to baby, directly affecting brain development. This may cause mental retardation, difficulty with visual-motor coordination, and cognitive learning disabilities that can last a lifetime. Lead is known to be a contributor to ADHD. It also reduces iron and zinc in the body. Iron is needed for the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Lead disrupts normal brain neurotransmitters affecting memory and motor function, autonomic motor control in the brain, behavior, and emotions helping to regulate violence, mood, sleep and appetite. It also interrupts the GABA system which we rely on to keep our brain signals calm; when this system is disrupted, we commonly experience anxiety.
Lead can go undetected, showing no obvious symptoms; however, a child with high levels of lead in his system is more likely to fail the third grade due to learning difficulties. The heavy metal toxicity may be overlooked.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include:
- Neurological problems (learning disabilities)
- Depression
- Poor memory
- Problems with social engagement
- Aggressive and even violent behavior
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Poor appetite
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Excessive fatigue
- Hyperactivity
- Seizures
- Anemia
Those at highest risk of mercury toxicity are those with developing brains such as fetuses, infants, and children. Males are also at higher risk because testosterone enhances its neurotoxicity.
Autism affects four times as many boys as girls. Hormones play a part in this. The neurotoxicity of mercury is enhanced by testosterone, which is predominant in boys. Autism is sometimes labeled as an “extreme male brain.” Higher levels of estrogen in females protects the brain, especially the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a part of the brain that helps regulate emotions and memory.
Mercury amalgam fillings release mercury into the body, so a mother can pass it in utero to her child.
Symptoms of mercury toxicity are:
- Excessive irritability/anger
- Timid behavior
- Depression
- Weakness
- Delirium
- Insomnia
- Apathy
- Impaired concentration
- Poor memory
- Abnormal motor coordination
- Suicidal tendencies
- Personality changes
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
Some of the biological effects of mercury:
- Can cause lifelong immune deficiency.
- Resists removal of the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans
- Reduces antioxidant levels
- Retards brain development by interfering with DNA and RNA function
- Promotes the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are essential in fighting viruses
- Disrupts protein digestion
- Can enter the area of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is responsible for metabolic function, hormonal balance—including neuro-hormones—hunger, thirst, body temperature, and the circadian rhythm affecting the sleep-wake cycle. An injured hypothalamus can cause lifelong suppression of the immune system, and weaken the adrenals and thyroid.
- Can inhibit neurotransmitters (the brain’s messengers) such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These are responsible for many things including proper sleep cycles, the ability to manage mood, and to focus.
Aluminum reduces the phospholipids, or fat structure of the myelin, (the carrier of messages to and from the brain). Unfortunately, the brain holds onto aluminum and has a hard time letting go. Once in the brain, it distributes itself, but primarily affects DNA synthesis controlling how the cells function. Aluminum depletes mineral absorption.
Aluminum affects the following neurotransmitters:
- Acetylcholine and the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine: involved in learning and memory.
- Norepinephrine: involved in attention and focus
- Dopamine: the feel good chemical, also involved in our ability to concentrate and focus
- Serotonin: affects mood, appetite, and sleep
The coinfections of autism are commonly missed. They include mold biotoxins, PANS, Lyme disease, and parasites.
Many of the symptoms of these infections overlap but they cause similar distress and must be treated properly or results on your autism recovery journey will be minimal.
The most common symptoms are neurological, pulmonary, visual, dizziness, and stiffness and or pain in the back of the head and neck although they can vary greatly. This chronic inflammatory response can contribute to leaky gut, hormonal imbalances, intolerance to carbohydrates, gluten, dairy, and sugar.
Chronic inflammation in the brain can cause behavioral problems, learning difficulties, lack of focus, and hormonal problems. Other symptoms may include:
- Wake exhausted, never really getting a good night’s sleep
- Chronic fatigue
- Flu-like symptoms
- Respiratory issues, hard to take a deep breath
- Chronic pain in various parts of the body
- Stomach aches or pain
- Pituitary dysfunction/hormonal problems
- Trouble focusing or concentrating
- Language difficulty
- Learning disabilities
- Poor memory
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Depression
- Hormone imbalance
- Weight gain
- Poor blood clotting such as nosebleeds and more
- Chronic headaches, including migraines
- Abdominal pain/GI problems
- Chronic Candida
- Diarrhea
- Bed wetting
- Nasal infections, commonly Staphylococcus
- Light sensitivity
- Sound sensitivity
- Poor vision
- Sinus problems
Possible neurological symptoms to look for:
- impulsivity
- Issues with learning and memory
- Trouble with fine motor coordination
- Reclusive behavior
- Lack of enjoyment in things that should be enjoyable
- Language trouble such as comprehending and articulating words
- Tics
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Depression type symptoms
- Anxiety and panic issues
- Atypical seizures
PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) Also associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
An overactive immune reaction commonly brought on by streptococcal infections, or toxic exposure, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, inflammation, rapid detoxification that the body cannot keep up with due to liver congestion and poorly working detoxification pathways.
Symptoms include:
- A sudden onset of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
- clinginess and fearfulness,
- tiks,
- chronic fatigue,
- poor handwriting,
- trouble sleeping,
- biting,
- overly emotional,
- abdominal pain,
- anxiety and more.
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is on the rise, mimics many symptoms of autism and is commonly missed in tests.
Lyme disease is usually contracted through a tick bite. Some of these ticks can be as small as a poppy seed and go unnoticed. Lyme can be passed in utero from a mother to her child, as well as in breast milk. Lyme can also be passed from mosquitoes and head lice.
Symptoms of Lyme disease (which can also mimic other disorders):
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Learning difficulties
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Depression
- Anger/rage
- Tantrums
- Increase in oppositional behavior
- Abdominal pain
- Headaches
- Night sweating
- Possible fever or flu-like symptoms
- Frequent urination
- Sudden onset of sleep disturbance
- Joint pain
- Neck pain
- Fatigue
- Difficulty breathing
- Dry cough
- Sole of foot pain
- Visual problems
- Poor balance
- Hand flapping
- Emotional withdrawal
- Irritability
- Reduced social participation
- red/purple stretch marks (can be anywhere on the body)
- Bell’s Palsy (facial drooping)
- Alzheimer’s
- Schizophrenia
- Multiple sclerosis
- Chronic fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Heart conditions.
Parasites are also common in children with autism and can cause many hysical and behavioral issues such as:
- #1 symptom: Chronic constipation
- Teeth grinding
- Hair pulling
- Sinus issues
- Craving sugar
- Itchy skin
- Anger and ‘crazy-type’ behaviors
- Brain fog
- Chronic fatigue.
- Diarrhea
- Mouthing, chewing or drooling
- Hungry all the time. The parasites eat the nutrition from the food he eats so his body will be hungry because it’s craving nutrition it’s not getting.
Don’t these symptoms sound a lot like autism?
Electromagnetic Field Radiation
A lesser thought of, but incredibly powerful component damaging our health today is electromagnetic field radiation (EMF). There is a prevalence of autism from mom’s prenatal exposure to EMF’s is due to the membranes and the organization of the womb. When a pregnant woman turns on her cell phone or puts it next to her body it gives a blast of electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) to the fetus that is measured to be amplified by twenty times inside of the womb, then outside. This can contribute to issues of anxiety, hyperactivity, extreme fatigue, memory, Epstein Barr virus, cancer, autism, and much more.
The dangers of EMF’s need to be taken very seriously! We must protect ourselves from electromagnetic field radiation, and it makes a big difference in the ability to heal, so it will hinder your child’s progress.
For a free trial of an EMF harmonizer to help protect yourself and your family now. Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) is the quality resource I recommend. You can read research on their site. They also offer a FREE 14 day trial too! You can listen to my interview with the owners in Podcast Episode #149.
A study in The Journal of Neuroscience, Gut Microbes and the Brain: Paradigm Shift in Neuroscience, found that, “alterations in the gut microbiome may play a pathophysiological role in human brain diseases, including autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain”. The gut directly affects the ability of the brain to function. Bacteria in the gut communicate with the brain, and the neurotransmitters, brain messengers, are made in the gut. The gut also makes up 80% of the immune system. Conclusion: the gut controls the brain and the immune system.
In my eighteen years of autism research, recovering my son from his symptoms of autism after being told it could not be done, and working with hundreds of parents of children with autism, I have found that all people with autism have many biological, health related issues in common. These issues often include poor immunity, a predisposition to viral and bacterial illnesses and infections, toxic overload, a weak and leaky gut with digestive difficulties, (ie, a bad gut microbiome), malnutrition due to poor absorption of nutrients, poor detoxification pathways, a higher sensitivity to environmental toxins, infections such as Lyme, mold biotoxins, autoimmune issues, mycotoxins, parasitic infections due to a weak gut and poor functioning digestion, and more.
As these biological issues are cleared the brain can function at optimum and many symptoms disappear. For some, like my own son, the symptoms are all no longer present and the person is able to live a productive, healthy, happy and fulfilling life. This life is very different from the one they had before their health was restored.
Autism is a biological issue. It is not a mental illness. This is why autism can be recovered from. The definition of recovery is to regain health. If we work with the causes of the health issues affecting their body then we can restore health to the brain. Inflammation and toxicity are commonplace for people with autism, and they disable the brain from proper functioning.
There are four stages to autism recovery as I’ve learned to know them:
- Stage 1: Healing the gut and balancing the microbiome
- Stage 2: Natural heavy metal detoxification
- Stage 3: Clearing the co-infections of autism (mold, Lyme, PANS/strep, parasites)
- Stage 4: Brain support and repair (once the toxins and inflammation are out of the way, you know an individual’s real personality and their remaining needs for support).
Beginning with the gut healing is paramount because it lays the foundation for stabilizing, assisting detoxification pathways, reducing inflammation, and balancing the gut microbiome. All of this is done to strengthen the innate immune system and help restore the brain’s balance. Speech, focus, sleep, irritability and aggression, anxiety, sensory processing issues, muscle and motor function, vision, hearing, respiratory issues, hormonal balance, social connection, and so much more can be restored by working with these causes, not just the symptoms.
Many parents ask for my help. I like to begin with the first step in healing the gut, diet. Yes, autism recovery is much more than diet alone, as we have just covered, and it’s why many parents fall short of optimum results thinking that is all there is. Here we begin with diet then move forward from there.
Transitioning to the right diet foods can be very difficult because the bad bacteria in the gut have overgrown and killed off the good bacteria (the microbiome imbalance we talked about). The overgrowth of candida can cause toxicity and inflammation in the gut, therefore distressing the brain.
Removing the foods that feed the bad bacteria is the first step. There are a few specific foods that must be removed for a multitude of reasons. Get your free guide to the top 7 foods to remove from the diet to help reduce the symptoms of autism. It explains many of the details behind why these foods need to be removed too.
Your child is addicted to these foods because they contain sugars the candida feed off of to thrive on, and many contain opiates, just like the drug, so their cravings make them want them even more. This transition can be difficult because the “picky eating” issue makes it hard to transition away from the bad foods and into more of the good ones that help heal the gut and do not feed the bad bacteria. The process must be done very slowly. It’s a transitional process.
Once the holes in the gut heal, the parasites are eradicated, the good bacteria are restored to balance, the heavy metals are detoxified, and the coinfections cleared properly, then the persons’ symptoms can reduce or even disappear altogether for some, like my son’s did.
This doesn’t mean an overload of the body with harmful drugs. There are natural and safer ways to do this ultimately for better mental clarity, sleep, communication, mood stability, ability to connect with others, a stronger immune system, and so much more!
I wish to teach you the all-natural 4 stage process I discovered on my own son’s autism recovery journey, so you can naturally recover your child from their symptoms of autism for the optimum results possible.
My 32 years as a craniosacral therapist studying the brain, 18 years of autism research, and what I did to recover my own son, is what I will teach to you in my free autism recovery workshop, plus how I can support you every step of the way.
Please click here to register and watch it now to learn how you can improve your child’s life, plus save yourself both time and unnecessary expense, so they can live to their full potential!
Join the Autism Recovery Action Plan for Parents of Children with Autism
Discover natural strategies to improve your child’s communication, social skills, behavior, and overall well being during this FREE 3 day action plan.
APRIL 2-4, 2025
9 AM PST | 12 PM EST
Navigating the realm of autism can be challenging. I know I’ve lived it, too. But you don’t have to do this alone. For the sum of zero dollars, you can join our community of dedicated parents who are actively shaping brighter futures for their children through this enriching 3-day experience. It is my gift to help ease your journey.
Our 3-Day Autism Recovery Action Plan serves as a guiding light on your journey, offering affordable, proven strategies and the support of a caring community.
This is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat. Every child’s level of recovery is different. No two people are the same. It is never implied that all children will have the same outcome. Results are all based on individual biology and the work that is done. This process takes time and various steps, effort and resources need to be weighed. Our programs are intended to help you become more knowledgeable and guide you to help bring your child a better quality of life, whatever that may be. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes. The results on this page and any of our websites are not typical or promised. In fact, there will be people who purchase this and other programs and never put the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore will achieve little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links below. We hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. We are cheering you on every step of the way.