In this podcast episode I will share with you some of the success stories of parents I’ve worked with who have successfully overcome some of their child’s limiting symptoms of autism and improved their quality of life.
Have you ever wondered if your child could actually get better? I mean that their symptoms of autism could improve? Does your child have a particular symptom that you feel limits them from having a completely fulfilled quality of life? If so, which one is it? Is it a lack of clear speech, inability to focus and learn in a classroom, unstable sleep, anxiety and tantrums with overall unstable moods?
After over 30 years as a Craniosacral Therapist studying the brain and holistic health, and almost 18 years now of research specifically on the needs of those with autism, I share this knowledge with you as a mentor who has lived through it myself. I know what your journey is like and my goal is to make your journey easier, more direct, with less stress because you have more confidence in knowing what to do for your child’s health to bring them to a productive, independent life, filled with great health and happiness.
What would you do if you had an actual roadmap in the autism recovery process? What would you be able to stop doing? Hunting and pecking through the internet constantly in search of answers, no longer jump from practitioner to practitioner or therapist to therapist “hoping” for some results but not really knowing what you need to do? Maybe you’re getting some results, but plateauing and not knowing where to go next.
Well you’ve come to the right place. After going through all of that myself on my own journey to bring my son to recovery from his symptoms of autism I began helping other parents. You know, mentoring them. I had lived it so I knew what it was like, and I have spent the years doing the research.
I was asked by parents, actually begged, to create a program that just gave the steps in an order they could easily follow. We as parents of children with autism are often overwhelmed and we don’t have the time or the bandwidth to search constantly on our own, but we need answers NOW. So where do you go?
So I created my step-by-step Naturally Recovering Autism membership. I chose the word “recovery” because the dictionary definition of “recovery” is to regain health”. This is what I am all about, optimum health, naturally achieved.
Some people misinterpret this term as we’re trying to change their child’s personality or take something away from who they are. That’s not it at all. This is about helping a child who is so anxious that they can’t sit still or who is screaming and throwing tantrums all day, to calm themselves. It’s for those who can’t sleep through the night or won’t eat healthy foods or can’t learn in a classroom because they can’t focus long enough. Some kids cannot make friends because they are so socially challenged, often coming from having anxiety around people or their lack of clear speech lowering their self confidence. This is what we don’t want our kids to live with, at least what I didn’t want my son to have to live with.
We wish for the best quality of life possible for them. For independence and a fulfilling and happy life. For greater speech and connection with others, good health, improved ability to learn, and be naturally calm because they can.
Once I released the program I thought, “Well, it did work for my son, but will it work for others?”
Children with autism are on every part of the spectrum from mild to severe and each has different issues but they all have certain principles in common such as a weak gut, poor detoxification, underlying coinfections and pathogens. I wanted my program to be complete and thorough from A-Z.
This is so much more than diet and basic detoxification. I saw so many parents falling short of results because they didn’t have all of the necessary steps or anyone to help them troubleshoot an issue when it came up during the process. Behaviors can get worse during detoxification and there are a few critical things to do when that happens, so I covered all the bases.
I have many testimonials to share. Of course, each child is unique and has a different timeline to their own level of recovery, but these are just some of my members’ success stories to help you understand the potential value to you for your child.
Mary transformed her son Kevin at age 13, from biting, hitting, and hiding under the desk at school, unable to learn because of his excessive anxiety. Today, at age 16, Kevin is calm, happy, learning in school, has friends, and is the teen leader in his summer youth camps…and loving it! Please listen now as Mary shares her inspirational story with you:
Have you ever been concerned about what life will be like when you’re older or not her anymore? Do you wonder if your child can achieve independence? This was Nanti’s biggest fear as her son experienced debilitating anxiousness with being left alone for any period of time, even as he grew older, but today her son is able to stay at home alone and is calm, happy, and feels secure doing it. Please listen now:
How One Mom’s Perseverance Brought Her Autistic Son Independence and Peace [Podcast #147]
Shannon is the mom of Paul Robert, her son with autism who had been non verbal until she began implementing the steps shared in the Naturally Recovering Autism membership. He said “mom” for the first time at age 5. Today, there are so many more strides he’s taken such as speaking full sentences, connecting with others and playing, having all of his disturbing sensory issues and picky eating be completely gone. He now also has independence. These are things Paul Robert could not do before. Today his future is bright! Please listen to Shannon share:
Every parent of a non-verbal child with autism wonders if their child will ever talk. As their child gets older, one question becomes more concerning, “is it too late for my child to speak?”
Meet Karen Franklin. A dedicated mom who knew to never give up and always keep trying to help improve her autistic son’s quality of life. At age 27, Karen’s son Darius was still non verbal. Then Karen found the Naturally Recovering Autism membership and began implementing the steps with Darius. Less than five months later he was talking. Better yet, Darius began reading stories with her and is now finishing them before mom. Karen says, “it’s music to my ears”.
Please listen to this heartwarming interview with another autism mom who has found success, even at age 27. It’s never too late! Please listen now:
You can also see a short video of Karen Franklin sharing this on my testimonials page here.
I hope you heard my podcast episode where I interviewed Diana. A mom of a son who was once diagnosed with autism but no longer is. Be sure to listen to her tell her own story.
With a PHD in health research, Diana was once very skeptical when she heard it was possible to reverse her son’s diagnosis of autism. More importantly, she wanted her son to be able to talk to her, to sleep, focus in a classroom, to have the ability to be calm, and make friends. Today he has all that, and more.
Here are just a few gems from the interview with Diana:
My child is now 6 years old and all of the autism like symptoms are gone!!
My son has moved from special ed classes to regular first grade and has been evaluated as functioning at an above average grade level. His appetite is all good (no picky eating). Sleeping has greatly improved. Now he sleeps through to the morning, 10-11hrs, without interruption (before it was no more than two hours at a time). His social skills have improved and he can now play with other kids. His speech is great! He is completely verbal now. He used to only have two word sentences. D.
Please listen now: How Diana Turned Her Son’s Autism Diagnosis Around [Podcast Episode 94]
I live in the U.S, so this was another question in my mind. I had to make everything doable from anywhere. Autism is a worldwide epidemic. It knows no borders. I needed to be sure that anyone anywhere could do this. This meant I had to create direct online links to the exact needed supplements so they could be ordered from anywhere in the world.There also had to be a way to answer questions for parents going through the process, so I added a forum inside where all their questions are answered in one place so everyone can learn from them.
Then I began having parents write me with success story, after success story, so I’d like to share some with you in hopes of offering inspiration for you on your journey, and show you that you can do it if you have the right roadmap.
I’d say, 99.9% of who I work with tend to be moms, but my very first member, almost eight years ago now, was a dad. His name is Chamberline and he lives in Africa. At the time this seemed like a true test. I will now share with you just a few of the many success stories that parents have experienced and shared with me from utilizing the steps in the Naturally Recovering Autism membership program.
I came to realize that this can help anyone, anywhere. It takes work and perseverance, but if the steps are followed correctly parents have seen positive results.
Chamberline wrote:
My son was 4 years old and had just been out of a 2 week stay at the hospital where the doctors weren’t quite sure if he had auto-immune reaction, candida overgrowth, rheumatoid arthritis, and was fighting a very severe strep infection. He went through all kinds of anti-biotics some of which he had a bad reaction to. When he was finally released I swore to myself he wouldn’t spend another night in a hospital again.
I started researching how to recover autism. We had started ABA already. He was a picky eater. At the time he was in the hospital he was having difficulty with eating. My research led me to Karen. (Chamberline was the first one to really push me to create a program.) Once inside the program, Karen directed me through the steps. My son’s immunity improved. My family had two severe bouts of flu and we all had it with the exception of him (my son).
Up until now as I write, my son has only had a cough once that lasted only about 2-3 days, which he got from his younger brother. We started the Heavy Metal Detoxification and his eye contact improved, He would answer to his name but was still showing hyperactivity.
I came across an article from a doctor talking about supplements that helped, and dosages. These supplements were mostly the same as those on Karen’s website but realized I was not dosing them right. Following my son’s dosage on just Vitamin C and Omega 3 eliminated Stimming and calmed him in just 3 days. I am glad to report that he no longer stims, no hand flap, his sleep time has reduced from 2AM- to an average of 8:30pm. As you are aware there is a lot I have omitted for reason of this being too lengthy.
My son now says words like shoes ,chocolate e.t.c. He will walk up to a stranger and hug them greeting them saying hi. The other day he found he saw his Barney stuffed doll that was hidden from him. He tried to move my hand to get it and I was on the phone with his mom, and he said “look at barney.” I was overwhelmed. I gave it to him. I realized later that his attachment to it has significantly reduced. My son at certain times experienced severe constipation and was resolved.
My friends from England came visiting with their kids and passed the night in my home. Both he and the wife are doctors in the U.K. and were surprised to see the level of interaction my son has with their kids and they commented that as far as they were concerned they see nothing wrong with him, that he behaved like a normal 4 year old who was just slow to speech and would outgrow it or we could get a speech therapist.
Karen I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting us on a journey to health not just for my son alone but the entire family. Even his 2 year old brother that has asthma has been treated with just natural supplements. He no longer wheezes, and is no longer needing a nebulizer.
I want to encourage parents not to give up, the program works. All those supplements in the program are great, if used properly with parents carefully observing their wards.
Warmest regard and love,
Yes, every child’s level of recovery is different, but each can improve, as T.G. found out. Her son was diagnosed with ‘very severe autism’ and they were told he would NEVER speak. After 4 months in the membership this is what she told me:
Konstantin is happier, calmer and laughing again – something he hadn’t done for a long time! My son is talking more and more, connectivity is happening – it’s so encouraging,
This has helped me restore my belief that I can recover my son alongside you!!
It’s a bumpy road but when he has really great days, it makes it all worth it! I love to see him healthy and happy with his siblings.
Bear in mind this was a child who was diagnosed as VERY severe 6 years ago and we were told he would NOT speak.
At 6 months in the program we have seen a tremendous jump in Konstantin’s fine and gross motor skills. Konstantin really struggled with bike riding previously and this past week, he just turned 9 and is now riding without stabilizers.
T.G.Mom of a 9 year old son with autism
Here’s what S.B. In Croatia says about her results in the Naturally Recovering Autism membership program:
My daughter is no longer the same person as before. She is no longer hypotonic, she is getting better. She has now started running and walking up the stairs alone, which was unimaginable before. Her nervousness was unbearable before. Now she is calm. She has a much better understanding. She started playing with her sister often. I think it’s the best therapy for socialization.
She sleeps all night. We haven’t slept two hours before. So this is a great relief for her and us. We are eternally grateful and we always will be. Because of your program, we are finally breathing. It gives us some hope that she may be well. It is an incredible feeling to see that your child is better.
For me, nothing matters more than her recovery and I really think that with you and the program , we can do it.
(We are members for only 4 months !)
Since my son has been on your program for the past few months we’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive.
So far, I have seen some positive things. My son is 6 and he was mostly non verbal, had major digestive issues (constipation ) since he was a baby. He has been hyperactive, destructive, noisy, has learning problems, OCD, repetitive clapping and inappropriate noises. He was also recently diagnosed with both lyme and strep (PANDAS). He has candida and heavy metals. He has sensory issues especially when it comes to some type of clothing, he will not wear shoes for long and bolts/runs from class at any given chance.
After we started your program, we have noticed that he has become so calm. It’s truly amazing when you do not have to lock up all doors. I can leave him alone in a room for 5 to 10 minutes without him destroying and breaking stuff like before. His constipation issues have reduced, he’s slowly learning his numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes etc. He’s not completely verbal but he can now answer some questions and repeat whatever you say. He has repetitive speech and even though it’s not perfectly clear, it’s progress to us.
Mom of a 6 year old with autism
I honestly thought before the program (3 months previously) that my daughter would need a scribe going forward in school because she absolutely hated picking up a pencil and making an attempt to write. She couldn’t get the formation of the letter without tracing. She couldn’t get the formation of numbers. She just couldn’t plan the formation in her head. It was causing her dreadful stress and she avoided coloring and all writing. I really thought it was hopeless. But over the last 3 months it all came together. She is now writing on my newly painted walls (toxic free paint), my new sofa and anything she can get her hands on. I really don’t mind because she has developed confidence in writing and I’m over the moon!!!
We did a zoom with her teacher recently and she could not believe the achievements in a few weeks. My daughter wrote her a Valentine poem and showed her teacher all her math.
Thanks Karen, I really feel a break thru in cognitive function and all thanks to your program !
Thank you, C.F.
I have pages of success stories like these. Would you agree that knowledge is power? Knowledge is freedom…AND it can significantly reduce your stress level when you know what to do? Would you also agree that knowledge isn’t much good without a plan and a roadmap on how to use it? There’s a lot of information to be found, but the real question is, “how do you use it?”
Whether you are working with a practitioner or were but plateaued, and after multiple appointments you realized you had to get educated yourself on answers for your child’s well-being, I get it. This was my story too. I was told to drug my son and try therapies, but we would only be able to “manage” his symptoms the rest of his life.
What if I had listened to them and hadn’t believed there was more I could do for my son? I assure you, his life today would be VERY different that it is now. He has graduated college, is happy, healthy, has many great friends, and will go on to live a fulfilling and productive and independent life. Isn’t that what you want for your child?
After over 30 years as a Craniosacral Therapist studying the brain and holistic health, and over 17 years of research specifically on the needs of those with autism, I share this knowledge with you as a mentor who has lived through it myself. I can also provide you that roadmap.
I know what your journey is like and my goal is to make your journey easier, more direct, with less stress because you have more confidence in knowing what to do for your child’s health to bring them to a productive, independent life, filled with great health and happiness. You can help your child have a better quality of life.
Need Help With:
- Improved communication
- A healthier immune system (so they can stay well and not be sick all the time).
- Better sleep (sleeping is healing…and if they sleep better, so do you).
- The ability to focus and learn as they should be able to.
- Greater digestive absorption of nutrition (and no more stomach aches, constipation or diarrhea)
- Calmer moods (reduce or remove irritability and violence for a more peaceful home)
If you’re ready to learn about my 4-stage framework for what’s necessary to achieve the optimum results in autism recovery, what other programs miss, and how the Naturally Recovering Autism membership program can help you with your child’s success, then I invite you to watch my free workshop now.
Click here to watch it now.
P.S. In the end of this free workshop I offer you something special as a gift for being such a dedicated and proactive parent, so be sure to watch it in its entirety!
…and please share this with any friends in need.
Join the Autism Recovery Action Plan for Parents of Children with Autism
Discover natural strategies to improve your child’s communication, social skills, behavior, and overall well being during this FREE 3 day action plan.
9 AM PST | 12 PM EST
Navigating the realm of autism can be challenging. I know I’ve lived it, too. But you don’t have to do this alone. For the sum of zero dollars, you can join our community of dedicated parents who are actively shaping brighter futures for their children through this enriching 3-day experience. It is my gift to help ease your journey.
Our 3-Day Autism Recovery Action Plan serves as a guiding light on your journey, offering affordable, proven strategies and the support of a caring community.
This is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat. Every child’s level of recovery is different. No two people are the same. It is never implied that all children will have the same outcome. Results are all based on individual biology and the work that is done. This process takes time and various steps, effort and resources need to be weighed. Our programs are intended to help you become more knowledgeable and guide you to help bring your child a better quality of life, whatever that may be. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes. The results on this page and any of our websites are not typical or promised. In fact, there will be people who purchase this and other programs and never put the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore will achieve little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links below. We hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. We are cheering you on every step of the way.