Probiotics To Crowd Out Candida

A must during any Candida program is the use of probiotics. The product must contain a variety of multiple strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and the strain E. Faecalis. These are the key bacteria needed to crowd out, kill, and eat up the pathogenic bacteria in...

What Is Candida?

In our intestinal system we have what are known as “good” bacteria. They work hard to keep our gut lining and our immune system in good health to fight off infection and disease. Candida, also known as yeast, is some of the normal bacteria we all carry in our gut. The...

How to take probiotics for Candida

Probiotics should be started TODAY. It is best to take probiotics for about two weeks before becoming really strict on the candida diet. This will give your child’s body a chance to strengthen, build up his good bacteria, and help you to begin making subtle changes to...

Allergic Withdrawal Symptoms From Food Allergies

Allergic Withdrawal Symptoms From Food Allergies Using the symptoms of a food can be a lot less expensive than tests and doctors visits. Our children typically eat from about twelve foods. Eliminate one by one, except for gluten and casein. In their case I would...

The Feingold Elimination Diet

Dr. Feingold as an allergist discovered that certain compounds in foods, natural or synthetic, caused an immunological response rather than an allergic reaction. He saw how diet can clearly create behavioral disorders. people on the autism spectrum are particularly...

Removing all Starches

Removing all starches from the diet should really be step one, but so many parents are overwhelmed with the thought of removing even gluten and casein, that they cannot comprehend removal of all starches. Often this is your answer and it must be done. When the gut...

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