Dietary intervention preconception for both mother and father can have a potentially large impact on a child’s development in utero and after birth. The state of the mother’s health and toxic exposure, as well as an overgrowth of candida in the gut can all be transferred to the fetus. This sets up a toxic dumping in the child’s delicate system which can lead to the symptoms of autism.
The fetus can be born with susceptibilities that influence and become triggers for genetic mutations. Neurotoxic effects create many developmental delays including cognitive impairment, and speech delay. This, along with gut dysbiosis, all play a part. The gut controls the brain and is often referred to as “the second brain”. Also noted as infections that create susceptibility and can be transferred in utero and via breastmilk are the Comorbid Symptoms of Autism.
Further Environmental Triggers
Additionally, the effect of environmental toxins on the brain and neurological system are significant. For example, if a mother has mercury amalgam fillings and other heavy metal toxicity the fetus is used as a conduit for her bodies detoxification. Pesticides in food, toxic adjuvants in vaccinations, and exposure to electromagnetic field radiation are also involved. The overexposure to these environmental triggers are known to negatively effect the neurological system of the fetus, newborn and child. See for further environmental toxins.
3 Steps To Take To Reduce The Toxic Load
- Reduce body burden by eating organically grown, non GMO foods and eliminating toxins from your home.Â
- Reduce inflammation-Dietary changes begin this first stage of detoxification.
- Support detoxification by supporting the liver, the lymphatic system, and the colon.
Radio show Interview
Please listen to my radio show interview with Registered Dietician, Geri Brewster, on the differences that dietary intervention can make both pre and post conception, radio show #63.
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