Exploring the Safety of PBX Detox for Kids Recovering from Autism
In the world of autism recovery, "PBX Detox for Kids" is becoming popular. PBX is its nickname for Pure Body Extra zeolite. It's a natural way to help remove toxins, including heavy metal toxins, from the body. This is a special type of natural zeolite, not synthetic,...
What Is Candida and How Does It Affect Children With Autism? [Podcast Episode #189]
Children on the autism spectrum almost always have an overgrowth of candida in their gut. In fact, scientists estimate that 70% of all people have an overgrowth of candida. In our intestinal system we have what are known as “good” bacteria. They work hard to keep our...
Calcium and Magnesium Absorption in Autism [Podcast Episode #188]
Parents wonder, "If my child with autism is on a gluten free and casein free diet then how will they get enough calcium?" No dairy!!! Why not? A few reasons are that it's Inflammatory, has a naturally high sugar content, and it creates opiates just like gluten does. ...
What You Need To Know About Low Iron and Autism [Podcast Episode #187]
People are told by well-meaning traditional medical practitioners that if ferritin (iron) is low, then they should take iron supplements – what could be the problem with this? IRON Beware of low iron in children. It is important in brain development. There may be many...
How to Find the Right Autism Support Group for Parents
Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges, but when you're a parent of a child with autism, the challenges often take on a unique dimension. You may face daily hurdles that test your patience, understanding, and resilience. Navigating the complex world...
Viruses and Their Association With the Symptoms of Autism [Podcast Episode #186]
There are many types of viruses and they can cause many different health related neuro-developmental issues. In this podcast we will discuss many of these that relate to common symptoms of autism including speech, autoimmunity, cognition and our ability to think....
7 Foods to Avoid for Optimum Autism Recovery: The Essential Guide to the Autism Food List
Imagine transforming your kitchen into a haven of health for autism recovery. It's not magic; it's about making informed choices. Every meal, every snack you prepare, can be a step towards positive change. In this eye-opening exploration, we're not just talking about...
Naturally Recovering Autism Top Ten Podcasts of 2023
Thank you for helping make the Naturally Recovering Autism podcast #1 in Autism Parenting Podcasts. Here is a list of the top 10 favorite Naturally Recovering Autism podcast episodes of 2023: Dangerous Household Toxins and Autism [Podcast Episode #168] Autism, Toxins...
Study Reveals Non-Persistent Nature of Autism Diagnosis [Podcast Episode #185]
JAMA Pediatrics Study: October 2023 released a study, Persistence of Autism Spectrum Disorder From Early Childhood Through School Age. Findings of the 213 children in this cohort study, 79 (37%) had non-persistent ASD. Higher baseline adaptive functioning and female...
The Benefits of Martial Arts for Autism [Podcast Episodes 53 and 184]
Studies show that martial arts can be an effective way to build motor control through the repetition of movement in people on the autism spectrum. This helps both the motor and planning areas of the brain. It is also offers a great form of exercise in a group setting...