How One Mom’s Perseverance Brought Her Autistic Son Independence and Peace [Podcast #147]
Nanti's son was diagnosed with autism at twenty-eight months. For almost a decade, she searched for answers to help give him a future with more independence, peacefulness, and a better way of life. After trying various practitioners, one after the other, that did not...
Drumming Stops Violence In Special Needs Children [Podcast Episode #146]
Children Increased Grade Point Average and Learned Social Skills I would like to share this article on Pat Gesualdo. I had the privilege of interviewing him for my podcast. Please listen to this informative discussion with Pat. In the study done in SURREY,...
Excitotoxicity In Children With Autism Exacerbated By Heavy Metal Toxins [Podcast 145]
What is Excitotoxicity? Excitotoxins are toxins that will excite the neurons in your brain. They can also be referred to as neurotoxins because they damage and destroy the brain and spinal cord. What most people do not realize is that these toxins are in the foods...
Karen Thomas Interviews Dr. Daniel Amen Regarding Autism [Podcast Episode #144]
Karen Thomas Interviews Dr. Daniel Amen Regarding Autism Dr. Daniel Amen is the New York Times best-selling author of several books including Healing ADD, and Change Your Brain Change Your Life. He the leading expert on SPECT imaging brain scans which offer specific...
At Home Allergy Reduction Kits For The Symptoms of Autism [Podcast Episode #143]
Learn a simple way to help your child right from home. Allergic reactions in the body lead to the physical and behavioral symptoms such as anxiousness, anger, sleep issues, inability to focus, and more. It is still crucial to work with the underlying issues of...
Autism, Puberty and Behavior [Podcast Episode #142]
The symptoms of autism can be difficult enough to work with. Puberty brings with it many additional challenges for both parents and their children. Beginning around the age of nine, the body triggers hormones to begin puberty. By the age of fourteen, a noticeable...
Surprising Correlation Between Autism and Anger [Podcast Episode #141]
Bringing Peace Back To The Family Let's address the elephant in the room. Autism and anger often go hand in hand. Anger and impulsive behavior can be a daily occurrence. Many parents of children on the autism spectrum have concerns about safety for themselves, their...
How To Help Balance Hypoglycemia or Low Blood Sugar [Podcast Episode #140]
Hypoglycemia is a condition that comes from low blood sugar or low glucose levels. Behavioral outbursts, anxiety, and lack of ability to think clearly can be the result of the brain being starved of its energy supply. When it has been too long since our last meal or...
Tips To Naturally Reduce Depression [Podcast Episode #139]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2021, depression is a common illness worldwide. Approximately 280 million people in the word have depression. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 7.1% of...
Gluten and the Brain [Podcast Episode #138]
Gluten and the Gut Brain Connection Does diet really matter? Yes, the intake of gluten can directly affect the brain and the behavior of your child on the autism spectrum. Gastrointestinal surgeon, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, found the greatest results in treating children...